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Tag: eclipse

Eclipse maven EAR project not working after git share

I have a working maven project on eclipse which I made using the archetype for Jakarta EE with an ear packaging using windfly 21. (org.windfly.archetype – wildfly-jakartaee-ear-archetype). After i got a working webpage, i decided to share it on git, using the eclipse GUI. (Right click on project -> Team -> Share). This moves the project onto another folder, as

SLF4J: Class path contains multiple SLF4J bindings warning

I’ve seen in other questions that usually the solution to this warning is to exclude slf4j from the dependency that causes this conflict, but I can’t spot the problem in my project. I run mvn dependency:tree command and this is the output: Answer You can solve the issue by adding the following exclusion in the dependencies (of pom.xml) that caused

RowSelection in NatTable with column group header

I created an Eclipse application where I implemented the row selection for the NatTable with a single column header. The row selection works correctly. Later I added a NatTable with a column group header to the application. Here comes problem, after clicking on cell the row selection doesn’t work. Only clicked cell is selected. I define the row selection in

How do I make use of a third-party java library github project?

When there’s no obvious compiled jars provided on a github project page, I’ve been downloading the clear code and kludging them into subdirectories in my codebase to make use of third party code (or, most of the time, just not using the code at all). I know that’s not the right way to go about this; what is? There’s a
