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Tag: eclipse

Android Studio Connect to Socket server

I have a server running in Java using Eclipse (Here the full code): As you can see, the client sends 2 values and receives 1, the first one is for the switch, which will indicate what to exceute, for now I just have on option (checking if email exists in the ddbb), the second value is the email as the

Unable to establish JDBC connection to Oracle DBMS in Eclipse

I’m using Oracle 18c Express edition and trying to connect to the same using the below code. And upon execution, there’s an exception: I am unable to figure out what’s wrong with the URL. Kindly help resolve this issue. TIA. Answer According to Oracle’s documentation the URL should be: Where user and password can be provided as connection properties: You

How to disable the Error Hovers/Code Mining in Eclipse

I think this is something that is released lately in Eclipse 2021. These error hovers/code minings are really annoying. Sometimes, they overlap the code also, and the code moves a lot. Does anybody know how to disable this in Eclipse? Answer This is referred to as “code mining”. I came to the same conclusion as you. They were intriguing at

jacoco with both outputs: file and tcpserver

I am using eclipse 2019-12 in a JDK8 project and I want to check the coverage as I am using a web application through web Browser. For this I have configured Tomcat Server 8 in eclipse and launched with two options (both OK): -javaagent:”/tools/eclipse/dropins/jacoco-0.8.7/lib/jacocoagent.jar=output=tcpserver,address=,port=8011,includes=com.mypckg.*” -javaagent:”C:finconsumtoolseclipsedropinsjacoco-0.8.7libjacocoagent.jar=output=file,destfile=/tmp/jacoco.exec,append=true,includes=com.mypckg.*” As I need to check what I am coveraging during the execution AND store the

How to copy & paste eclipse package in same eclipse src folder

I want to reuse status package with its sub packages and files to user taxonomy folder by refactoring as userTypes. Despite doing it manually is there any way in eclipse to copy & refactor folder (sub folders & files) that is to reuse package with another name? Answer When using Refactor > Move (Alt+Shift+V) you have the option Update fully

Eclipse: Gradle source folder migration breaks JUnit test resources

I refactored an Eclipse project with using Java 11.0.10 to match Gradle’s default source and resource folders instead of eclipse’s source and resource folders, like this: I moved the sources and resources to the folders accordingly. When I access a test resource within a JUnit test, like TestClass.class.getResource(“/my/package/mytestresource.xml”) it returns [ProjectFolder]/src/main/resources/my/package/mytestresource.xml and not [ProjectFolder]/src/test/resources/my/package/mytestresource.xml. The test runs over Eclipse’s JUnit

Maven error in Eclipse when including aws-java-sdk-acmpca

Whenever I add the dependency below, I get this error in Eclipse: Errors running builder ‘Maven Project Builder’ on project. Could not initialize class okhttp3.internal.platform.Platform I tried adding it to its own project with no other dependencies and I still get the same error so I don’t think that a dependency is clashing with anything else. Is it possibly caused
