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Tag: eclipse-plugin

Eclispe API – How to get parent project location

How to get the parent module of project. Here is my code works fine in Eclipse PDE. But when I test the plugin(installing in eclipse) using test application by selecting the child module this condition (if (projectRoot == selectedResource)) is coming true and it return src and target as child modules which is incorrect. Any suggestion on how to get

Eclipse API Read all submodules/child modules

I am trying to read all submodules of project. Below is the code which I wrote it is working as expected but I am not sure if this is an efficient way of reading all submodules of project. Please advice. Answer children[i].FOLDER == IResource.FOLDER doesn’t do anything – FOLDER is a constant so it is always true. You should never

How to disable the Error Hovers/Code Mining in Eclipse

I think this is something that is released lately in Eclipse 2021. These error hovers/code minings are really annoying. Sometimes, they overlap the code also, and the code moves a lot. Does anybody know how to disable this in Eclipse? Answer This is referred to as “code mining”. I came to the same conclusion as you. They were intriguing at

How to add Lombok plugin to eclipse [closed]

Closed. This question does not meet Stack Overflow guidelines. It is not currently accepting answers. We don’t allow questions seeking recommendations for books, tools, software libraries, and more. You can edit the question so it can be answered with facts and citations. Closed 1 year ago. The community reviewed whether to reopen this question 7 months ago and left it

Eclipse Juno WindowBuilder Palette is Empty

I’m using Eclipse 4.2 (Juno) for Java EE and just installed WindowBuilder plug-n. At this time I’m building Java SE Application with Swing components. The Palette is completely empty (no widgets). Is it a sign of incomplete installation or have I (hopefully) missed something obvious? I was able to select New -> Other -> WindowBuilder -> Swing Designer -> JPanel.
