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Tag: jface

Eclispe API – How to get parent project location

How to get the parent module of project. Here is my code works fine in Eclipse PDE. But when I test the plugin(installing in eclipse) using test application by selecting the child module this condition (if (projectRoot == selectedResource)) is coming true and it return src and target as child modules which is incorrect. Any suggestion on how to get

Eclipse API Read all submodules/child modules

I am trying to read all submodules of project. Below is the code which I wrote it is working as expected but I am not sure if this is an efficient way of reading all submodules of project. Please advice. Answer children[i].FOLDER == IResource.FOLDER doesn’t do anything – FOLDER is a constant so it is always true. You should never

How can I create a checkbox in a TableViewer of JFace?

I have created a tableViewer with two columns and I want to make one of them a checkbox. To do that I have created a CheckBoxCellEditor, but I don´t know why it isn´t working. The column called tableName displays it´s values OK. The column specification is the following. And the EditingSupport is the following: The TableMetaData object decides if the
