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Tag: eclipse

How to add column on existing table in android SQLite?

how to add column in the existing table LOGIN. here’s my sample code. this is my DataBaseAdapter class: this is my LoginDataBaseAdapter how can I add the columns FIRSTNAME(from TextView), LASTNAME(from TextView), DEPARTMENT(from Spinner). Answer You’ll have to update your SQLite database version first of all, then that will run your onUpgrade() method, which will drop all of your data.

Can’t remove jar from Web App Library

How can I remove the jars in my Web App Library? I manually added a couple jars to the web app library. My program is now pitching a fit so I clearly need to remove them. However, when I go to the Build Path, the “Remove” is greyed out. Answer A project’s Web App Library is composed automatically by Eclipse

Eclipse Juno WindowBuilder Palette is Empty

I’m using Eclipse 4.2 (Juno) for Java EE and just installed WindowBuilder plug-n. At this time I’m building Java SE Application with Swing components. The Palette is completely empty (no widgets). Is it a sign of incomplete installation or have I (hopefully) missed something obvious? I was able to select New -> Other -> WindowBuilder -> Swing Designer -> JPanel.

unknown database in jdbc

I am using JDBC and new to it. but I keep getting this runtime exception: Here is the gave code how do I get this code to work? I am only a beginner with JDBC…. for the above code; PASS = “passowrd”, USER = “root” I had a problem with port which it was fixed through this site thanks a

Android ProGuard settings for Facebook

I finally found out why my app crashes built for release. ProGuard was indeed stripping code from my application but i prevented this by manually adding the classes with the keep command in the proguard-android.txt (found in the sdk). For Facebook I used: But I think I’m still missing something. The app is crash free now but I can’t log

Import project (jar) into Eclipse

I got a .jar file which I need to import into Eclipse. However, I don’t want to have the jar as a referenced library. I need the .jar to be included like a “normal” project, with packages(!) and .java files. I tried to do the following: New Java project -> Import -> General -> Archive File. In this case, when

Error with win32com.dll in Eclipse

I am getting an error in eclipse with regards to my win32com.dll file. From the error it would appear I am trying to use a 32-bit .dll instead of a 64-bit, but unfortunately I haven’t been able to find a 64-bit win32com.dll file anywhere and I’m at a loss at how to proceed. I literally downloaded Eclipse tonight and this
