I want to use GraalVM (version with Java 17.0.2) to execute JavaScripts within Wildfly (version 26.0). If I do have the following code: then my JSE unit test, started from Eclise, works fine. But if I call the same code within my EAR within Wildfly, I get an What’s wrong? How can I inform Wildfly that the org.graalvm classes
Tag: classnotfoundexception
Can’t start web application in .WAR file : java.lang.ClassNotFoundException
I have a grails application written in Groovy. It is built and works when it’s launched with : Now I want to run it with java to put it in a Docker container. This is the Dockerfile I prepared : The server fails to start because of the following error: When I checked the classes folder in WEB-INF, I found
android.os.BadParcelableException: ClassNotFoundException when unmarshalling
We are facing getting a BadParceableException and we have no idea why. Above is the stacktrace: We saw some similars errors here in stackoverflow, but no one actually worked for us. The exception is saying that the error happens at “super(in)”, in this class: private static class SavedState extends BaseSavedState { int mSelectedPosition; } Does anyone have any idea to
NoClassDefFoundError org/apache/poi/ss/usermodel/Workbook
I am running a shell script which calls a java class to get some data from database and create an excel report with that data. I get the error Exception in thread “main” java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/poi/ss/usermodel/Workbook when the code hits the below line in my java class: This is how I have defined the classpath: I verified that the jars have
Keep getting NoClassDefFoundError while loading a class with URLClassLoader
Recently I’m creating something that have to load/unload external jar packages dynamically. I’m now trying to do this with URLClassLoader, but I keep getting NoClassDefFoundError while trying to make new instances. It seems that the external class is loaded successfully since the codes in the constructor are executed, but ClassNotFoundException and NoClassDefFoundError still keep being thrown. I made an small
JSONObject ClassNotFoundException
I am working in IntelliJ and using Maven. I have a class that uses JSONObject: Maven dependency in the pom.xml file: I can do a mvn clean package and builds successfully. But when I try to run it, I get: Error: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.json.JSONObject Is there anything else I’m missing here? Thanks! Answer Add json jar to your classpath or use
classpath – running a java program from the command line
My code compiled fine with the following command: javac -cp “../lib/*” AvroReader.java (lib is where i put my jar files) At run time I get a ClassNotFoundException on the following line: DatumReader<?> dtmrdr = new GenericDatumReader(); It says it can’t find org.apache.avro.generic.GenericDatumReader even though I’ve imported it. Why is this happening? Answer Importing has nothing to do with loading classes
Android Socket + ObjectOutputStream not working correctly
I am developing a client/server program where the client is an android device. The server has a listener class that reads an object from the input stream. I created a client software for another COMPUTER that sends a small object over a local network. Computer to Computer works perfectly fine, i read the object and printed the contents. However, the