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Tag: batch-file

Running JAR from BAT file cannot find natives path

I am running my JAR from a BAT file on Windows 7 x64 machine. Lately I added native .dll files to project, so now I need to add the path to the BAT. My project is exported to “C:/dist” and folder with native libs called “natives” placed alongside, that is “C:/dist/natives”. The problem is that for some reason the path

Creating a Windows auto restart + a counter that increments each reboot

I’m trying to set up a program to auto restart windows after boot as well as incrementing the amount of restarts that it has completed. I’ve written a small amount of code but it’s not even restarting the system itself when placed in the startup folder. You can see the command prompt very briefly, then nothing happens. Answer The int

how to start stop tomcat server using CMD?

I set the path for the tomcat and set all variables like JAVA_HOME=C:Program Files (x86)Javajdk1.6.0_22 CATALINA_HOME=G:springworkserverapache-tomcat-6.0.29 CLASSPATH=G:springworkserverapache-tomcat-6.0.29libservlet-api.jar;G:springworkserverapache-tomcat-6.0.29libjsp-api.jar;.; When I go to bin folder and double click on startup.bat then my tomcat starts and when I double click on shutdown.bat tomcat stops. But I want using CMD start and stop the tomcat. And in any folder I write command startup.bat the
