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Extending the Graphics class in Java

I need to extend the Graphics class in order to @Override some methods including drawRect(int,int,int,int) and drawRoundRect(int,int,int,int,int,int). However, I have no idea how to do that. This is what I’ve got so far: I get an error on class declaration line saying: myGraphics is not abstract and does not override abstract method dispose() in java.awt.Graphics I also get an error

What’s the differences between Go and Java about interface? [closed]

Closed. This question needs to be more focused. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it focuses on one problem only by editing this post. Closed 6 years ago. Improve this question Recently I’ve been asked a question which is, what’s the difference between Golang and Java about interface? I know there

trouble initialize List Using Arrays.asList

When I initialize List, I am able to do this: But when I want to simplify it using Arrays.asList: It cannot compile with error: Why it cannot do the type inference right and how to fix this? Answer Remember that … is just syntactic sugar for an array parameter. You can call a method with a variadic parameter foo(Object…) either

Is there a way to convert an element link to XPath

I have written a Jsoup class file to scrape a page and grab the hrefs for every element on the page. What I would like to do from there is to extract the Xpath for each of the elements from their hrefs. Is there a way to do this in JSoup? If not is what is the best way to

RESTEASY003145: Unable to find a MessageBodyReader of content-type application/json and type class org.keycloak.representations.AccessTokenResponse

I’m trying to test Keycloak REST API. Instaled the version 2.1.0.Final. I can access the admin through browser with SSL without problems. I’m using the code above: And got the error: I added the dependencies above, but do not solve my problem: Any clues? Answer I solved !! You must add org.jboss.resteasy.plugins.providers.jackson.ResteasyJacksonProvider into META-INF/services/ file then run your executable jar.

How to use Postgres JSONB datatype with JPA?

Im not finding a way to map the JSON and JSONB datatypes from PostgreSQL using JPA (EclipseLink). Is some one using this datatypes with JPA and can give me some working examples? Answer All the answers helped me to reach the final solution that is ready for JPA and not EclipseLink or Hibernate specifically.

Retrofit2, Android, @Get Parsing for the Array of Array

I am parsing the title correctly and displaying it in a listview. I cant seem to access the seen below. Here are the two objects, sample response and my call. response pojo: first object second object response: I am getting the title just by passing ‘result’ into the adapter and using result[i].getTitle(); I tried using result[i].Details[0].findMe; but my error response
