I’m trying to install the latest Android Studio on a MacBook pro 2015 Unfortunately I get this error: An error occurred while trying to compute required packages. Here a screenshot of the error: which is not very informative. What’s causing the problem? EDIT This is the exception I get when I run the application from the terminal: EDIT Google has
java recurison – Need help for solving backtracking Knight’s Tour
I am working on the Knight’s Tour problem. In my program the user can select a number n equal to 3 or higher. The number will determine the table’s size by n*n in a two-dimensional array. Then the knight will start it’s tour based on the starting points given by the user as long as they are higher or equal
SameSite cookie in Java application
Do you know any Java cookie implementation which allows to set a custom flag for cookie, like SameSite=strict? It seems that javax.servlet.http.Cookie has a strictly limited set of flags which can be added. Answer I am not a JEE expert, but I think that because that cookie property is a somewhat new invention, you cannot expect it to be present
Use a list of strings in IN clause with JDBI
I’m using JDBI / Dropwizard for a project and would like to run some simple queries. I have a query like so: private static final String GET_STUFF = “SELECT * FROM myTable WHERE state IN (:desiredState)” I bind the variable in my method like so: However, I get the following error when running: I’m passing in states as an ArrayList
Recursive Java programming, Knight’s Tour driving me nuts
I’ve been working on a school project and can not figure out the problem. The problem that the knight jumps back where it was in the the last step when a dead end occurs. I’ve added the output for a 4×4 test and you can clarly see that the knight jumps back to turn number 11 when it sees that
Printing numeric rhombus doesn’t work properly
My rhombus is supposed to print numeric values in a pattern. It works when the input is seven, but when I tried reprogramming it to go in a loop, that is for any given number, it just outputs 1. …
toString method for a linkedList
I am getting strange output for my toString in my linkedList class. I cannot use any methods, only String concat. So limited in how to approach this. Here is the code: I wrote a JUnit test that: and that noOrderList().toString() comes from: When I run the test I get: Was is the cause of this , in the [, ]
One-to-many select in Jooq
I am trying out JOOQ and trying to select from 3 tables (Author, Books and Articles) using a join statement. The ERD is as follows: The query I have is the following: I also have a protobuf object as follows: (or any other pojo for that matter) which will hold all the entities (author details + list of books +
Inserting a node at a specific position in a Linked list
I am given the pointer to the head node of a linked list, an integer to add to the list and the position at which the integer must be inserted. After inserting this node at the desired position I need to return the head node. The code that I have written is not working for some reason and goes in
Can’t run java application with .jar dependancy – ‘Error: Could not find or load main class’
So my code runs fine in my IDE and I have the javax.mail.jar set as a dependency and my code runs fine. Except I need to use Console console = System.console(); and this does not work within IDE’s So I am trying to compile my code and run it via the terminal, I can compile although when running my code