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Spring Kafka The class is not in the trusted packages

In my Spring Boot/Kafka application before the library update, I used the following class org.telegram.telegrambots.api.objects.Update in order to post messages to the Kafka topic. Right now I use the following org.telegram.telegrambots.meta.api.objects.Update. As you may see – they have different packages. After application restart I ran into the following issue: This is my config: How to solve this issue and

How to download an excel file in Spring RestController

I am using Apache POI to generate .xlsx file. I would like to return that file from Spring controller. Here’s what I’ve done so far: Controller: Is it possible to return actual excel file from rest controller so user can download it to his computer ? As for now controller returning byte[] but I would like to return it actual

How to place a object without tapping on the screen

I am trying to show an object without tapping on the screen using ARCore. In the basic sample of ARCore Sceneform provided by Google, you need to tap on the screen after it detects the surface. I want to implement that, AR shows the object without tapping on the screen. I tried this for displaying without tapping on the screen.

android.view.ContextThemeWrapper cannot be cast to

I’m not a designer but when i got this project i can`t open specifically some screens, i think that they are screens and we only reuse some of the layouts have been created. Anyway can somebody help me? @Override public void onBindViewHolder(@NonNull final ProductsAdapter.ViewHolder holder, final int position) { String imageUrl = ProductsList.get(position).getImage(); and the logcat shows this Answer This

Lombok builder pattern with jackson JsonProperty

I have constructed a Java Object using lombok with builder pattern. But, I am getting the following exception when trying to deserialize a Java object using Jackson. This occurs for fields which has @JsonProperty annotation. Exception in thread “main” com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.exc.UnrecognizedPropertyException: Unrecognized field “user_name” (class User$UserBuilder), not marked as ignorable (2 known properties: “userName”, “userId”]) at [Source: (String)”{“userId”:1,”user_name”:”username”}”; line: 1, column:

Do arrays in Java store data or pointers

I was reading about data locality and want to use it to improve my game engine that I’m writing. Let’s say that I have created five objects at different times that are now all in different places in the memory not next to each other. If I add them all to an array, will that array only hold pointers to
