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How to return Value after ifPresent Check

I am trying to return empName if its present Or else Empty String But i am unable to return . After ifPresent its not allowing me to return value , please help need with the syntax . This is my Structure This is my Employee class My Test Program Answer If you want any name of one of the employees

Gradle Kotlin DSL – Build script fails when java.sourceCompatibility defined in Parent but build is successful when added to child module

Am trying to setup a new repository for a multi module springBoot application using gradle (Kotlin DSL for build scripts) As part of the same I am trying to declare generic configuration and dependencies needed for all subProjects. In doing so, I am trying to define sourceCompatility for all child projects in the subprojects block of parent build.gradle.kts file When

XML to java object using jaxb Unmarshalling namespace

I have below employee.xml which I am trying to convert to Java Object using JAXB. I am getting null value here, please guide me what I am missing here or doing wrong. I am not familiar with JAXB and namespace <employee xmlns:xsi=”” xmlns:xsd=”” xmlns=””> I thing I am missing some annotation or not using it properly. Output: employee.xml

Rebuild of a RSA Private Key from modulus & exponent fails

I’m trying to rebuild a RSA keypair from modulus & private/public exponents. The conversion works correct for the public key but fails to private key when comparing the encoded private keys. When using this rebuild private/public keypair for encryption it works (!) in Java, but when using the rebuild keypair in PHP, the decryption part fails (encryption is working), so

Is it necessary to make `AtomicBoolean` also `volatile`?

My understanding: Declaring a variable volatile guarantees the visibility for other threads about writes to that variable. Essentially, every write to volatile variable happens-before subsequent reads. I understand the atomicity of AtomicBoolean.compareAndSet() and how it provides the atomicity of read+write operation that volatile doesn’t. But I don’t see any doc providing visibility guarantee by AtomicBoolean like the following: Every successful

is scala OpenHashMap remove operator threadsafe

Sorry but I cannot find in the network a direct answer to a very simple questions. is scala OpenHashMap remove operator threadsafe? Regrds. Answer Seems it is not thread safe: Scala OpenHashMap def: Ref link:

Regular expression to mask email except the three characters before the domain

I am trying to mask email address in the following different ways. Mask all characters except first three and the ones follows the @ symbol. This expression works fine. (?<=.{3}).(?=[^@]*?@) -> abc***** Mask all characters except last three before @ symbol. Example : -> ***** I am not sure how to check for @ and do reverse match.

Getting image in POST request using Java and vert.x

I got the following question, I can’t get image which I’m sending from android app to server, I’m sending image from app using kotlin, and receiving it on server written with Java using vert.x. I send it with following code: on server side I’m handling it like But I can’t get anything into imageByte variable. Answer You need to add

Dialog Activity has a layout on the background

I am trying to make a dialog activity when the notification is clicked but I encountered some trouble. as you can see, the dialog is opened after clicking the notification but the black background is not necessary, how could I remove this ? I wanted to do is just pop.out the dialog box on the application before resuming to the
