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How to call methods in different parent interfaces using child class name?

I am migrating a project from python to java. There is a multiple inheritanced python tool class, called Util(TimeUtil, MathUtil, FileUtil, …), it extend several Util classes. For example Normally, I would call Util.date_to_str(), Util.add(), Util.read_file() in python, importing class Util is enough, and I can call the static method of parent classes by the class name I want to

Why did I get exception when I access CloudTrail Events ? Thanks

Exception: The security token included in the request is invalid. (Service: AWSCloudTrail; Status Code: 400; Error Code: UnrecognizedClientException; the sample code : awsCredentials (accessKey, SecretAsscessKey) is the temporary credential I got through AssumeRole (RoleA). RoleA has the priviliage to access LookupEvents in CloudTrail. The exception comes from the lookupEvents call. I ensure the credential doesn’t expire when I call

Unable to fetch unread messages from SMS inbox

I have successfully retrieved all messages from inbox but I want only unread messages . I have also apply in the query as read=0 which gives unread SMS but it can’t retrive unread messages it retrieves all messages. Answer Change your query arguments like this You are passing selection where clause for read = 0 in projections instead of where

Painting method paints things from other components

I am trying to make a simple Java program with GUI using Java Swing. I have painting panel (gPanel) in the center of the screen, panel with buttons (buttonSet) in the west and panel with labels (labelPanel) in the east. To paint over gPanel I use paintComponent method and since I have two buttons, which are supposed to draw different

How to set the width and height of a layout in Android?

I have this ConstraintLayout: lateinit var myConstraintLayout: ConstraintLayout I try to set its width and height to match its parent via code, like this: But I get error androidx.constraintlayout.widget.ConstraintLayout$LayoutParams cannot be cast to android.widget.FrameLayout$LayoutParams Why? How do I fix this? Answer The LayoutParams need to be the LayoutParams type of the parent ViewGroup. It is the parent ViewGroup that actually

PostgreSQL’s JSONB data type with Hibernate: Error creating bean with name ‘entityManagerFactory’ defined in class path resource-Unable to load class

Now I learn about nested jsons and geojson and how to save them in PostgreSQL as JsonB directly in database and before starting. Inspiration source: Error I get when running the app: Here is the Main Entity: Here is the geojson(nested json) I want to save as Jsonb in a column in database: Here is the implementation of Usertype

Spring Boot, Spring-Security – BcrypPasswordEncoder in new component-based security configuration

I am trying to use the new Component-Based (Without WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter) configuration and setted up my Security Configuration as follow: file but when I run the application and try to log a user the following error appears even though I have the BCryptPasswordEncoder as a bean in my SecurityConfiguration: Error Stack Trace* Which is the correct way to set up
