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Setting the Color of the Title Bar with Netbeans Platform Application (FlatLaF)

I’m currently working on a Netbeans Platform application that uses com.formdev.flatlaf.FlatLightLaf as the Look and Feel. The application is using Java 11 and running under Windows 10. I would now like to change the color of the TitlePane. Changing the color of specific elements (like jPanels etc.) globally for the entire application can be done by changing properties within the

Unknown lifecycle phase “.mainClass=com.blobs.quickstart.App”

I ran through this demo (using PowerShell). Everything was fine until I ran the line: mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass=”com.blobs.quickstart.App” -Dexec.cleanupDaemonThreads=false then I got the below exception: This is the link from where I followed the steps Answer As ManojReddy-MSFT suggested: In most cases, this error occurs because of the missing plugin Can you verify if you have this plugin?

java package does not exist -> Java Error

I have a file named “”, that contains my main function, and when I try to compile it, I receive a message: Errors when trying to compile the code I also have the folders “modelo” and “visao”, which contains some files that I imported on the class I tried to compile Folder modelo: Imports I made on So I

Type Mismatch, Required: Context, Found: unit

I’m trying to setup a simple database and part of my code is throwing off this error, which im not really sure of how to fix, the line in particular is the following: Which yields: Type Mismatch, Required: Context, Found: unit! What should I do to fix this? Whole code: Answer As per your error, the method needs context and

Getter, Setter & NullPointerException

Firstly, I am trying to assign the value for array I initialized locally. The class type of the array is stored inside another class and the variable is private so I am using getter and setter to set the value. But it showing “Exception in thread “main” java.lang.NullPointerException at room.Test.main(”, below is my code for the Below is the

How to call class from another module in SpringBoot, Java

I have a Spring Boot multi-module gradle project, and I am trying to call class from another module. I have a class that I would like to call in class in another module. So, this class should return some response data from Data service. After I would like to get that response data and do something in

Why do I get a different sum and errors for addition in Java

I am really new to Java. I have a question regarding the numbers. I was given a task of printing 2 numbers side by side. For example, if there are 2 numbers: a = 5, b = 9, I should print both of them side by side. So the output would look 59. In python, we can do: Even though

How to enable drag for transparent AnchorPane?

I need to make my bottom AnchorPane transparent, and I used below code to do that. It works, but after that I cannot move my application by drag? I cannot move application around the workspace; how can I fix it ? Answer You can see this example But I think there will be a better way
