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How to implement “favourite” button feature (like favourite recipe/food) and display on another list in another fragment

I want to have a feature that when the user clicked the button on a certain row, it will add the row to another list which is called favorite list. Currently i have created database that also include favourite status. I already tried to start with creating a button that when its clicked it will change the fav status. Im

Jetty 11 and commons-fileupload

I am updating Jetty9 to Jetty11. I updated my package from javax.servlet to jakarta.servlet because servlet 5.0 is the prerequisite for Jetty11. but the problem is when I am using commons-fileupload`-1.4.jar as it is still using java.servlet package. The above method is expecting argument from java.servlet package. Latest version for commons-fileupload – Do we have any way to overcome

How to extract word in java using regex

Suppose I have a string How can I extract all the words from string s into a list which is between the pipe delimiter? So the list should save community, office, system. I thought of using the following pattern. Will it work? Answer You can use See the regex demo and regex #2 demo. Details: | – a | char

What is the difference between Address and Reference in Java?

First of all, I know that Java is call by value. However, in a certain article, there is no such thing as an address in Java, and you should use the word reference. In my opinion, both words are interpreted with the same meaning. Am I wrong? What is the difference between address and reference, and do you have such

(Java)Using while function with condition

I am making program that add all the number from user input until 0 comes. when 0 comes as input, I want to show all the numbers that are saved. When I run the program I got the “java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space” this error and I want to know what part is wrong. Answer IMHO a for loop is more

Read few xml elements only in an efficient way

I want to read only few XML tag values .I have written the below code.XML is big and a bit complex. But for example I have simplified the xml . Is there any other efficient way to solve it ?I am using JAVA 8 Answer Using XPAth and passing a specific expression to get the desired element Result: 1/1/2014 To

Hashmap – returning key and setting it as value of an object

I have two CSV files, one “crimeUSA.csv” with the headers state, city, population etc. and one StatesAbbreviations with the headers states, abbrev . First I read the “crimeUSA.csv” file and create CityCrime objects. Instead of using the state in this file, I want to match it with the state in the StatesAbbreviations file and set the state as the appropriate
