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Camera VIew OpenCV in Android Cannot FIt

I have a problem with cameraview opencv on android, on android device type samsung camera view doesn’t fit there is a black cut like picture 1 while on android device type xiaomi and realme it’s safe like picture 2. I took the middle resolution from supportPreviewSize and set the maxFrameSize to a ratio of 1:1, how can the camera view

How to i iterate and compare two lists

Here I’m trying to compare two lists position wise that is the first element from list1 has to be compared with only the first element of list2 and if they are equal it should be replaced with the empty string in the output list and if they are different the element in the second list has to be updated in

How to change (add or subtract) the value of a JLabel?

I wish to add 100 EUR to a JLabel (500 EUR) with a JButton (***). Since I cannot add nor subtract an int value from a String, I don’t know what to do. GUI Answer How to change (add or subtract) the value of a JLabel? … Since I cannot add nor subtract an int value from a String, I

Where to get Java Native Access Platform sources?

I am trying to build from sources that sources Java Native Access Platform version 5.5.0, and I am getting jna-platform-5.5.0.jar size – 1233K which is much less than In the same time, the recommended sources Do not produce jna-platform-5.5.0.jar at all. Could you tell me where to get real sources of Java Native Access Platform version 5.5.0 ?

Strange layout rendering created with xml in andoid

I want to arrange buttons evenly on the layout using styles to make my code simple. So why buttons have different distance between each other and ViewGroup? Am I right that attributes defined in the xml file overrides style’s attributes? // xml code for the activity // used style Answer What the three buttons have in common is layout_constraintEnd_toEndOf and
