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CST to UTC conversion in java

This is my class.. here i am changing the time zone CST to UTC so its adding +5 hrs because of its adding 5hrs its changing the date 25-26 to 25-27 .. but i want the output same as 25-26 same even after the time zone conversion… please anyone help me out struck on this issue for 2 days… for

Eclipse says The constructor Email() is undefined

I am tring to expand on a tutorial I was following Java Project Step by step Build An Email Administration Application ( I am trying to use getters and setters to allow the encapsulation to do its job, and eventually allow a user to enter their own name instead of having a preset name in the variable. I know the

Stream return class type generic

I have a list like this and i have a method to find a house by its name, but i want it return the class type not the house interface, example when i do findHouse(“third”) i want it to return House.WithoutPlace not House, how i can do that? Answer You cannot do this at all, unless you know, which type

JOOQ Setup Oracle with Maven Code Generation

I am trying to setup an Oracle database with JOOQ on Maven for Code Generation. Currently trying to connect with Oracle Database JDBC. The following example from resource is Postgresql. What is the syntax for Dependencies for Oracle setup? Answer Newer versions of ojdbc are now on Maven Central, too, e.g. Please refer to Oracle’s documentation for more information.

How download an installed app with nanohttpd

Hello i want to make a http server with nanohttpd that shows installed apps, and convert them to apk and download. I can list but how can i download the app i select Answer Ok, I basicly take the url after list the apps and check which appname equal to url after that i start to download it like that

Take only the first hashmap value [closed]

Closed. This question needs details or clarity. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Add details and clarify the problem by editing this post. Closed 1 year ago. Improve this question I have a hashmap where I register three photos in firebase. Now I need to get only the first photo from the node to put
