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“No auto configuration classes found in META-INF/spring.factories” error on running Spring Boot jar artifact

I use openjdk 14.0.2, Gradle 7.1.1 and IntelliJ IDEA 2021.1.2. I have a Spring Boot project and can run it successfully. Now I want to create an executable jar file. This is build.gradle: I built main.jar artifact like it is described here; but executing this command: causes this error: For solving the problem I tried what is described here by

Stream mapping multiple types

How can I convert this code to the one that uses streams? one line, if possible: Answer Well, IMO “in one line” is not a great point to use Stream because they came at a cost, but you can do something like this: return ImmutableList.of( houseConstructor.newInstance( 5, Houses.all() .entrySet() .stream() .map(entry -> new Key<>(entry.getKey(), HousesTypes.getFor(entry.getValue())) .collect(Collectors.toList()) ) );

How TestNG annotation from base class is executed when the Test inside the derived class is executed?

While learning TestNG on Udemy, I come across a code that I am unable to understand. The instructor has created a class named “TestBase” where he defined @BeforeMethod/@aftermethod.Later he created another class named “LoginTest” where he wrote the actual test with @test. He extended TestBase class in loginTest to get variable initiated in TestBase class. When he ran loginTest then

Accessing a COSArray for PDF fields with Apache PDFBox

I’m trying to access all form fields in a PDF file – so I can use code to fill them in – and this is as far as I’ve gotten: which gives an output of: Does anyone know how I can access the two COSObjects in the COSArray? I also don’t know what the notation COSObject{x, y} means, and can’t

How do you transfer a variable that is within a private method ActionPerformed to another method in Java?

I created a graphical interface in a small program in Java. When you create the fields in the graphical interface, you have automatically created the actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) methods, which are automatically private methods. I created a JTextField to receive what the user types. Then I created a string variable, such as: String inputfieldinstring = inputtext.gettext().Tostring(); Then I turned into an
