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Tag: caching

Caching java instance for peformance

Please assist, What is meant by caching this line/new instance in java for example: I know I have to store insome sort of memory… may someone show me an example. Thanks. Answer Caching means don’t let the garbage collector trashing your variable after you use it, if you already know that you will need to use the same variable a

Java method should cache the results

I’m learning programming in the language java. I need to write an application that takes a string and returns the number of unique characters in the string. It is expected that a string with the same character sequence may be passed several times to the method. Since the counting operation can be time-consuming, the method should cache the results, so

Spring Boot + Infinispan embedded – how to prevent ClassCastException when the object to be cached has been modified?

I have a web application with Spring Boot 2.5.5 and embedded Infinispan 12.1.7. I have a Controller with an endpoint to get a Person object by ID: The following is the PersonService implementation with the use of the @Cacheable annotation on the getPerson method : And here is the Person class: I configured infinispan to use a filesystem-based cache store:

False sharing and volatile

Good day, I recently found an annotation introduced in Java 8 called Contended. From this mailing list I read what is false sharing and how annotation allows objects or fields to allocate an entire cache line. After some research I found that if two cores store the same cache line and one of them modify it then the second one
