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JsonMappingException when reading the response from RestTemplate

Seeing the exception when I call the GET method in RestTemplate com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonMappingException: N/A at [Source: (StringReader); line: 1, column: 13700] (through reference chain:[“issues”]->java.util.ArrayList[0]->[“fields”]) the sample java code is java classses are and the Issue class definition is How do I fix this JsonMappingException? Answer You are trying to serialize the result of a method that returns void. Also, I

startActivity() in BroadcastReceiver

I am trying to create an application that calls the sender of an SMS as soon as the smartphone receives an SMS. This is my code: But it dials and calls the sender only when the application is in foreground, while I’d like it to work always. Using the debugger, the execution flows, but it is unable to start the

Flyway Repeatable Script Throwing Table Does Not Exist Error

I am currently trying to trim down my versioned scripts into one baseline script (we don’t pay for flyway so is a pain). So I deleted my schema and attempted to run my one big script that contains everything I had. I exported the DDL out of my DBeaver client. However when starting my applications I am getting this error:

Is there a way to get HTTP request parameter using wildcard?

We have a service that get values from formData in http requests. Some parameters are packaging1_1 or packaging1_2 or packaging1_3 etc We are using the following code to get the parameter value from HttpServletRequest request Is there any way to use the code with wildcard in the last number? e.g. Answer No, you can only get all the names and

How to write common pojo deserializer for json attribute which can be an object and an array both?

Background: I am getting mismatchedInputException, when parsing json. com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.exc.MismatchedInputException: Cannot deserialize value of type java.util.ArrayList<Data> from Object value (token JsonToken.START_OBJECT) Problem: nodes is a json-array which contains data, which can be either json-object or json-array . I need to represent this correctly in POJO. Things Tried: Map<String, Object>, List, ,@JsonDeserialize(using = NodeDeserializer.class) Below is my nested json document for ref.

Jetty Websocket Authentication

I play the Jetty Websocket use example here : (i use native-jetty-websocket-example) I just move from websocketpp (C++) to Java Jetty Websocket and i just wonder is there any way for me to authen the connection before the connection move to the onWebSocketConnect event ? Back in websocketpp i’ll authenticate the connection via url (eg: ws://xxx/?key=123) when i will
