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Ktorm entities as springboot controller parameters

I’m trying to use Ktorm in my new springboot application, and get myself into problem when trying to use Ktorm entities interfaces as springboot controller parameters. The entity and Controller look like this: I got this exception once calling function addTask(): [HttpMessageConversionException] Type definition error: [simple type, class website.smsqo.entity.Task]; nested exception is: [com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.exc.InvalidDefinitionException] Cannot construct instance of website.smsqo.entity.Task (no Creators,

CORS issue / akka-http-cors / No ‘Access-Control-Allow-Origin’ header is present on the requested resource in Scala/Java

How do I implement akka-http-cors correctly to be able to allow access from any origin (domain, in my case localhost:3000) to a Https Server (Scala/Akka)? Based on the akka-http-cors documentation should defaultSettings do the job, but I am still doing something wrong: Google Chrome Error: Firefox Error: akka-http-core: Any help is highly appreciated! Answer The problem in my case

Having issues calling a decorator method (Java)

Working on a group project that is essentially a text-based Pokemon rip-off. My classmates and I were given a UML to work from so I can’t accept any solutions that would add methods or change their parameters. But essentially the issue we’re running into is this: There is a singleton PokemonGenerator class, that has a method generateRandomPokemon(int level) that picks

creating exploitable .csv file for java program

I’m both new to JAVA and .csv file so bear with me please! Here’s my problem, i have this word file : basically i have a theme (here Science) a difficulty level, a question number, a question, available answers and a right answer I would like to be able to create a .csv file that i could then exploint in

Check if a char is in a 2D array in java

I have been working on my homework of creating a simple chess program. The chessboard is a 2D array, named board. The pieces are all single chars like R,Q,K, and empty space is filled with a ‘ ‘ char, so a space. The method get should return the char or whatever is there on the coordinate (x,y). And the problem

Call method in Fragment from some class

I’ve been working on Android App in AndroidStudio. Application has Fragment, let’s call it MainFragment, and seperate Java Class file, let’s call it SQLiteControler.class The problem is when i try to call method from Fragment in SQLiteController im getting null object reference as error Here is some minified code: MainFragment SQLiteController Note: This is minified code I have tried, a
