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Casting a string to an integer and then to a double – how to retrieve up to four positions behind the decimal position in a correct way?

I am currently working on a simple BMI (Body Mass Index) calculator in Java, in a larger Java / Spring Boot application with Mojito Tests. My function uses height and weight as Input values to calculate the BMI. Through the arithmetic operations, the received Input values – Strings, casted to Integers – result in a number that represents the BMI;

Error while uploading to S3 from Hadoop using s3a

I am running a java application on kubernetes which upload multiple files from local container to s3 bucket using s3a, but I am getting the below exception in logs and files are not getting uploaded to s3. Partial files are getting uploaded to s3 Answer Looks like this is a bug. problems caused by AWS SDK classes from the localstack-utils-fat.jar

I am getting null pointer exception in page object class why I am getting NPE

I am getting NPE in user() method in this line return driver.findElement(username); When I run testcase when I call lp.user() geeting NPE error in page object class java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke “org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver.findElement(org.openqa.selenium.By)” because “this.driver” is null at pageObjects.LoginPage.user( at Admission.homePage.testCase( Answer You need to initializeDriver() before creating LoginPage object:

Store date in AEST timezone in database

We have two tables in oracle db as below, TableA => Column DateA (type DATE) TableB => Column DateB (type DATE) DateA column in TableA has dates stored in UTC. DateB column in TableB has dates stored in AEST. When I checked the code (its in java) where the dates are being stored in these tables, both are just instantiating

Jersey 1 @Inject migrated to Jersey 2 stopped working

I am doing a Jersey 1 to Jersey 2 migration of my system. In my code I had @Inject annotation from com.sun.jersey.spi.inject.Inject and @Singleton from com.sun.jersey.spi.resource.Singleton. I’ve changed these to javax.inject.Inject and javax.inject.Singleton. Since this change I am getting errors while injecting any object annotated with it. My error is this The APIConnectorHandler is Injected both in RSearchClient and BarcodeSearchClient.

Unexpected backlog size in Pulsar

I’m using Pulsar for communication between services and I’m experiencing flakiness in a quite simple test of producers and consumers. In JUnit 4 test, I spin up (my own wrappers around) a ZooKeeper server, a BookKeeper bookie, and a PulsarService; the configurations should be quite standard. The test can be summarized in the following steps: build a producer; build a

How throws CustomException from reactive service to controller?

I am receiving a request in a 0.RestController and give it to the service for processing. If service doesnt throw exception, i just return HttpStatus.200, but if an exception occurs in the service, i need catch it in controller and return the status depending on the exception. Inside service, i need to use Mono.fromCallable for repo access. Well, if user
