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Tag: apache-pulsar

Unexpected backlog size in Pulsar

I’m using Pulsar for communication between services and I’m experiencing flakiness in a quite simple test of producers and consumers. In JUnit 4 test, I spin up (my own wrappers around) a ZooKeeper server, a BookKeeper bookie, and a PulsarService; the configurations should be quite standard. The test can be summarized in the following steps: build a producer; build a

Pulsar client thread balance

I’m trying to implement a Pulsar client with multiple producers that distributes the load among the threads, but regardless the value passed on ioThreads() and on listenerThreads(), it is always overloading the first thread (> 65% cpu while the other threads are completely idle) I have tried a few things including this “dynamic rebalancing” every hour(last method) but closing it
