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Get all properties as map in properties file Spring Boot

I have a spring boot project , I want to get those properties as map by prefix , in this exemple the prefix is root : : I dont want to change my filetype from properties to YAML. Answer “Easy-peasy”: With, And pom.xml: … console prints: To reside the properties in a “non-default location” ( e.g.), just: ..but

Mockito only mock part of value and return real value for others

I have a unit test with a real object (Data data) and a boolean value (boolean required) as input. In my code I have In other places I also have And I’m trying to mock the return value of data.getObjectA().getPara1() to the booelan in the input But below won’t work: Or They either throw NullPointerException or Type errors What is

React Native Task error ‘:app:processDebugMainManifest FAILED’

I recently upgraded React Native 0.63.4 to 0.70.1 and have been trying to iron everything out re upgrading packages and dependencies etc. I’m really stuck on this particular error and can’t seem to find a solution. The command prompt says: Task :app:processDebugMainManifest FAILED … FAILURE: Build completed with 2 failures. 1: Task failed with an exception. What went wrong: Execution

How to search in parent entity scope when using spring boot data rest

Now I know how to findBySomething on root level entity. Let’s say I have a one to many relation of class -> student I can now students/search/findByName?name=Tom But it will give me Tom in all classes. Can I do something like classes/1/students/search/findByName?name=Tom It gives error right now. Answer in StudentController in StudentService in StudentRepository (I use mongoDB; if u use

Magnolia REST Endpoint for Categories

I understanding now, how the Magnolia works. I writing REST Endpoint for Magnolia Content App in Java. My Content App is Categories – App and it looks like this: My task is, to define a REST endpoint for the Categories app in Java, which delivers the subcategories based on a passed category name and displays them in a component. For

Return string next to another inside a .txt file (JAVA)

I have a .txt file that reads for example: The idea is to create a function that receives a strinf and compares it to the first three characters, in this case, AAA, ZZZ or LKH, and if it is equal, it returns the numeric value, but my comparison isn’t working as intended, because the comparison doesn’t seem to be working
