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Java Playwright using connect with Proxy for browserless

I want to use Playwright.connect() method using Proxy to consume Browserless. According to Browserless doc. The standard connect method uses playwright’s built-in browser-server to handle the connection. This, generally, is a faster and more fully-featured method since it supports most of the playwright parameters (such as using a proxy and more). However, since this requires the usage of playwright in

What is the distribution of math.random in Java?

I want to use math.random() in a Java program. What is the distribution of this way of getting doubles? Answer This is documented in the Java SE API docs: public static double random() Returns a double value with a positive sign, greater than or equal to 0.0 and less than 1.0. Returned values are chosen pseudorandomly with (approximately) uniform distribution

How to trigger a task after build

I have the following code: If I write build.doLast(generateJavaApi), IntelliJ tells me the following: No candidates found for method call build.dolast. Why is that and how would you trigger generateJavaApi after build? (so that running gradle build would automatically also trigger the generation of the java api) Answer What you want is this:

Quarkus exception Loading KafkaConsumerRebalanceListener

Having this Listener KafkaConsumerRebalanceListener class When I add into my file And adding this dependency into another class I’m having this exception when I run the service Any idea what’s wrong? Regards Answer You have to use same @Identifier(“responses”) near your injection point. It’s because @Identifier have @Qualifier over it.

implementation of Gateway Global filter in Kotlin to Java implementation

I have a scenario that I have some microservices, cloud gateway and eureka server. All microservices and cloud gateway registered on the eureka server. Cloud gateway will securing all the downstream services. When any user want to access the service first it will fill out the username and password for authentication on the cloud gateway. If the user will be

Sort int[] array

I’m a bit confused on how to sort this array using the following conditions: int[] array = { 3, 15, 7, 11, 6, 4, 1, 8, 10, 13 }; The conditions are as follows: The largest integer is first The second-largest integer is last The third-largest integer should be second The pattern continues, leaving the smallest number in the middle.
