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Firebase Database encountered an OutOfMemoryError. You may need to reduce the amount of data you are syncing to the client

The database in the /users folder has almost 50,000 user records and I am not able to read the keys because it is overflowing with memory. This occurs in the java environment on the mobile device as well as in javaScript on the server with firebase functions. The database has persistence enabled. A simple datanapshot.getChildrenCount() in the /users folder is

Sorting empty and word array in java

I want to write a code which can sort char array element. But the problem is where i want to sort ‘a’ before ‘aa’ element and I don’t know how to write this part. It always sort ‘aa’ before ‘a’. At first it get inputs from user and if we write ‘0’ it will print sorted array. Answer You have

How to package JavaFX + Spring Boot application via jpackage correctly?

I’m having trouble packaging my project using jpackage by badass jlink plugin. Project contains Spring Boot, which works with JavaFX via FXVeawer. And with Spring Data application works with Database. My build.gradle: Application is packaging, but due to error Caused by: org.springframework.cglib.core.CodeGenerationException: java.lang.IllegalAccessException–>module spring.geodemo does not open spring.geodemo to unnamed module @39cd0bac does not start. I have no idea what

How to find Self-Closing Tags with org.w3c.dom

Does anybody know, how to find self closing tags of the XML document? I am able to get all the elements of specific type, but I am unable to find elements, that are self closing and also, I need to find elements, with no attributes. My XML file has two types of myTag tags: Pair tags, that contains another nested
