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How is a constructor executed?

I am making some revisions from the lecture slides and it says a constructor is executed in the following way: If the constructor starts with this, recursively execute the indicated constructor, then go to step 4. Invoke the explicitly or implicitly indicated superclass constructor (unless this class is java.lang.Object). Initialise the fields of the object in the order in which

Checking for a null int value from a Java ResultSet

In Java I’m trying to test for a null value, from a ResultSet, where the column is being cast to a primitive int type. From the code fragment above, is there a better way to do this, and I assume that the second wasNull() test is redundant? Educate us, and Thanks Answer The default for ResultSet.getInt when the field value

How to extract CN from X509Certificate in Java?

I am using a SslServerSocket and client certificates and want to extract the CN from the SubjectDN from the client’s X509Certificate. At the moment I call cert.getSubjectX500Principal().getName() but this of course gives me the total formatted DN of the client. For some reason I am just interested in the CN=theclient part of the DN. Is there a way to extract

How to set application name with JPA (EclipseLink)?

hello everybody i am using JPA with EclipseLink and oracle as DB and i need to set the property v$session of jdbc4 it allows to set an identification name to the application for auditing purposes but i had no lucky setting it up….i have been trying through entitiyManager following the example in this page: it does not show any

Java – Collections.sort() performance

I’m using Collections.sort() to sort a LinkedList whose elements implements Comparable interface, so they are sorted in a natural order. In the javadoc documentation its said this method uses mergesort algorithm which has n*log(n) performance. My question is if there is a more efficient algorithm to sort my LinkedList? The size of that list could be very high and sort
