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Eclipse JPA Tools: Connect with service name instead of SID

I am trying to generate entities from the database tables using JPA Tools features in eclipse. I am aware that we can use service name and connect using The problem is that we don’t have SID due to some constraints and JPA Tools doesn’t allow me to edit the connection URL. Connection URL is a non-editable field in the “New

Cucumber feature file does not identify the steps

I have written my firsy cucumber feature file. When I run the feature file as Cucumber Feature, I get below errors “WARNING: Cucumber-JVM’s –format option is deprecated. Please use –plugin instead.” – I used “plugin” in my @CucumberOptions of runner class, but still getting the same error 2.It says I do not have any scenario and steps Feature: Validate Modular

Why does clear hashmap method clears added map in array list

I’m trying to reuse same HashMap like in example bellow to populate list. First I put some values in the map, add map to the list and then clear map in order to put again new values and add second set of values in the list and so on… But, it seems that clear() method also delete values previously added

Gradle – add directory to classpath

My application requires that a config directory be available on the classpath when it looks for configurations files under the directory. I currently have dependencies configured like so, though this is probably not the correct way to make a directory available to my application: I am using the application plugin to create a standalone zip for my project. If my

How do I add a shadow beneath my action bar in Android?

I’m trying to get a shadow to appear beneath my action bar, but for some reason the shadow continually appears and begins at the very top of the screen, instead of beneath the action bar. I’m using a CustomView action bar widget in each of my xml layout files. How can I get the shadow to properly appear beneath

ATM Machine in Java

I have been trying to figure out what is going wrong with this program I’m writing. Heres the full description of what I’m trying to do: Use the Account class created in Programming Exer- cise 9.7 to simulate an ATM machine. Create ten accounts in an array with id 0, 1, . . . , 9, and initial balance $100.

No suitable constructor found for java

I am getting the error message “no suitable constructor found” when the constructor I am trying to use only has one int parameter. When I try to create a new instance in another class with one int parameter, it is giving me that error. What am I doing incorrectly to cause this error? the error is Answer Since MyPriorityQueue extends

Java: Extracting a specific REGEXP pattern out of a string

How is it possible to extract only a time part of the form XX:YY out of a string? For example – from a string like: sdhgjhdgsjdf12:34knvxjkvndf, I would like to extract only 12:34. ( The surrounding chars can be spaces too of course ) Of course I can find the semicolon and get two chars before and two chars after,
