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Load a sprites image in java

I want to ask if why am getting error loading any sprite images into the object here is how I get the image in. here is how I’m implementing it I also want to ask about my way of using the sprites array. I want to use in the timer by changing the image drawn by action event by changing

validation with double value in Spring

I want to check score which have value: 0.00 <= value<= 10.00 I used: -Model(Score): -servlet-context.xml: But the value = 10.01 has passed the check. Please help me. Answer I resolve my proplem with: Thank you lots @ Kayaman ,@hyness

What will happen if we interchange @service and @repository annotation in the spring MVC

Why we needs to use @service inside the service Implementation and @repository in the DAO Implementation. There are no problem occur when I interchange the @service and @repository annotation in the spring MVC. Answer According to documentaion @Repository,@Service,@Controller are all synonyms. They all are just specializations of @Component annotation. So, generally, they can be used one instead of other. But

Exception handling with Consumer functions in Java 8

This code gives me a compile error on the line processBatch(batch, this::backupMetacard); The process batch method wraps the consumer in a try/catch block, but Java will not compile the call. Answer The problem is that in the following snippet, the method backupMetacard declares to throw the checked IOException. As such, it does not comply anymore with the contract of the

BigDecimal, precision and scale

I’m using BigDecimal for my numbers in my application, for example, with JPA. I did a bit of researching about the terms ‘precision’ and ‘scale’ but I don’t understand what are they exactly. Can anyone explain me the meaning of ‘precision’ and ‘scale’ for a BigDecimal value? Thanks! Answer A BigDecimal is defined by two values: an arbitrary precision integer

Lombok not compiling in maven

I am trying to compile my project that uses lombok through maven and i am getting the following issue: Where the first error type is for the fields in this class: and the second error is when a class tries to access getters from lombok classes My maven pom.xml has the following in it: Answer I don’t know why but

HTTP Status 405 – Request method ‘PUT’ not supported

I have the following controller: Here is my calls from the PostMan. First I am making the GET call to get all the restaurants and it works fine Second I am trying to update the object by I am getting the following error. At the Tomcat 8.0.32, I am getting the following log: 13-Feb-2016 16:55:09.442 WARNING [http-apr-8080-exec-9] org.springframework.web.servlet.PageNotFound.handleHttpRequestMethodNotSupported Request method

Spring Boot @ExceptionHandler hide Exception Name

I am using Spring Boot 1.3.X and have the following: Which works as expected. When passing a wrong param, the following exception is raised: I then created an ExceptionHandler as seen below: Which raises the following Exception: Is it possible to exclude the exception field from the JSON representation? Answer You can get the Error Attributes in your controller advice
