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Tag: android-glide

Null pointer Exception in Android when using Glide

Here is the logcat output From my logcat the exception occurs when using Glide to load image. Line 100 is .into(uImage) Answer As far as I understand, you’re initializing the Views of BottomSheet wrong. If I’m not wrong, you’re trying to show this BottomSheet inside an Activity, if yes, try the below code:

com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.GlideException: Failed to load resource in kotlin?

class com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.GlideException: Failed to load resource class com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.GlideException: Failed to load resource in Android 10 only enter image description here I got the error from logcat. I have read the above two articles. I also used the method they introduced. It still hasn’t been solved. I think there is a different solution to my problem?? dependencies marifest code layout Answer

Getting the Activity inside Adapter in Android

I am trying to access the activity on which my Imageview is, so I can use the URL of an Image of type SVG and display it to the user using the GlideToVectorYou library. But when I try to get access to the activity using R.layout.activityname, a syntax error appears. this is the code that I’m using Thank you! Answer

Why my gif only loads if i click in the ImageView?

The problem that i’m having is that the gif only loads if i click in the image. I made a ViewHolderCreator class that builds the view. There is a method onCreateViewHolder that will tell which type it is.There are various types. This is the list in the class: The specific gif that i want is CI_IMAGE and in the code

How to priorly get future Glide image size which will be stored in cache in Android/Java?

In MainActivity, I’m loading some images using glide into recyclerview according to imageview size. See: XML: As you can observe, I’m using Glide cache DiskCacheStrategy.AUTOMATIC also so that next time without Internet Glide can show the images. Now you can read in this post that ” Glide resizes the image as per the dimension of the ImageView.” Now, I

Config Glide library for caching

How to set glide in the android project so that once images download to the app each time then displayed by the glide cache Answer Set your Glide object by providing the request options and that’s it. Glide will take care of caching for you. Happy coding with Glide “A simple and feature rich image loading library.”

GlideApp cannot be found

error: cannot find symbol variable GlideApp This is the error I have been getting. I’m using Android studio 3.3.1 and imported these modules for glide. Answer To use generated API in Glide you need to create a class and extend AppGlideModule and use @GlideModule annotation, for example: After this rebuild and you should be able to use GlideApp for more

Image becomes blurry when loading SVG with Glide

In the app I’m using the following sample to load an SVG image into ImageView: An ImageView in xml looks like this: So, the problem can be seen on the image below. The right icon was set from app’s resources, while the left one is loaded from server using Glide. For some reason image is not scaling properly and looks

I used Glide library to load image into imageView and I don’t know how to make image pinch to zoomable

I tried using Picasso too and then connecting it with PhotoView library but it didn’t do anything, when I tried pinch to zoom it didn’t zoom at all, here is part of that code: Answer You can for example use this library. Load your image into this widget, instead of ImageView Sample usage: Notice, that i also use SimpleTarget
