I’m running Kafka on WSL. I’m trying to make simple producer like this (I’m using intellj) but there’s a problem, when I try to run the code it shows this error i even checked the port on my Windows my question is, is it impossible to make producer on windows and while running kafka on WSL ? Answer Your Kafka
Tag: windows
In Java, how to insert multiple OS commands line?
I used the following code to execute simple OS command on Windows: public class Ping { public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { String command = “ping google.com”; …
Why are windows shortcut not accessible when reading the directory
Recently I tried to write a small application to help me sort the shortcut on my desktop. I quickly noticed that the shortcuts (.lnk, .url) created by the system or an application ( an installer, the steam “create shortcut” function, etc) did not appear in the list of processed files. Thinking that the problem came from Java, I also made
Cannot compile simple “Hello World” Java application with native-image on Windows
I’m trying to compile a simple Java Hello World application to native code using the native-image utility provided by GraalVM on Windows but I always run into errors (see below). HelloWorld.java: …
Running Jenkins Node/Agent as a Windows Service with OpenJDK
I have a Windows virtual machine with OpenJDK 13 installed that I would like to setup as a Jenkins node/agent. When I create the node configuration using the Jenkins UI and select Launch Method: Launch Agent by connecting it to the master it provides a link to download slave-agent.jnlp On a system with the original jdk/jre older than version 9,
Double backslash under Linux bash
In the Linux bash to identify a Windows folder I have to use double backslash for example “java -jar myjar.jar C:\Users\username” while in the Windows command prompt does not need, just “java -jar myjar.jar C:Usersusername”, is it normal? Answer Yes, the backslash is used for newlines and special characters in bash. But since Windows uses backslashes in file paths, it
How to return the file path from the windows file explorer using Java
In my Project, I want to open the windows file explorer with java, in which you can select a file or a folder and click the “OK” button. Now I want to have the path of the selected file in my Javacode. Basically like the window which pops up in every standard texteditor after you hit the “OPEN” button to
Set JRE to use Windows trust store, specifically the user’s trust store
Summary: Java option -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStoreType=WINDOWS-ROOT allows Java to use the Windows trust store for the computer account. What option allows it to use the Windows trust store for the user account? We have a Java application that we run on our Windows clients. The application gets data from various sources, some of which use certificates that are not in the default
Graphviz’s dot tool on Windows
I’ve created a java program to write a .dot file as I’m using Graphviz software to visualize some data. There is nothing wrong with a code itself, but when I try to execute the following command in command prompt: dot -Tpdf data.dot -o data.pdf in a folder where my java code is located, I get the following error: ‘dot’ is
Tizen Install on Windows 10 will not recognize JDK 9 installed
I am attempting to install the 64-bit version of Tizen SDK on my Win10 Home Laptop. However, every time I get the error that I either don’t have java 8+ installed or that the JAVA_HOME environmental variable isn’t set right. Now I’ve read other questions on this, and I’ve set the JDK directory as first in the “Path” environmental variable.