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Tag: wildfly

Why JBoss EAP failed to start?

I’m new to JBoss Server. Currently I’m using JBoss server 7.2. Error : How to solve this ? Answer The problem is in standalone.xml or standalone-full.xml. Please validate your xml whether it’s right or wrong. Here validate your xml. That’s why you are getting this error.

Java PreparedStatement preserve table name casing

I have this Java snippet, running inside a WildFly server backed by MariaDB: which gives me the following exception: So, apparentally, it decided to uppercase the table name, which I don’t want. How can I turn it off? Answer That is not possible, SQL dialects are – usually – case insensitive by default, but store the table name in uppercase

Cannot connect to Wildfly

I have just installed Wildfly and I tried to connect it : But gives me follow error : Failed to connect to the controller: The controller is not available at localhost:9990: WFLYPRT0053: Could not connect to remote+http://localhost:9990. The connection failed: WFLYPRT0053: Could not connect to remote+http://localhost:9990. The connection failed: Connection refused: no further information I tried a lot of

SLF4J logging with jboss/wildfly 10

I have a Java webapp running in a WildFly 10 server. I used to have the following libraries as Maven dependencies: I would now like to use wildfly’s builtin logging subsystem. Which libraries do I need to add to my project(s)? How do I configure the default log-category and root logger declared in standalone.xml to log everything from packages “com.mycompany”

Wildfly configuration with DataSource

this is the first time I am trying to setup datasource in my Wildfly server. I tried to follow some tutorials which I found on Google but it still doesn’t work. I am working on a web service but I keep getting some errors when I deploy my .war file. Here is the latest log when app is deployed: persistence.xml
