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Tag: web-services

Validating a Signature of a SOAP Message

Everybody, Hello! This is my request message: I try to validate the <ds:DigestValue>RJhc1ZVjXdUQEIwLTH356p7H0QY=</ds:DigestValue> which is related to the body tag. There are tags like ds:CanonicalizationMethod and ds:Transformswhich are really confusing for me. My question is how to validate the body part? Firstly, what tag should I get to begin validation or just ??? What operations (canonicalization / transformation / encryption)

Architect desperately wants to use SOAP over JMS

I have used JMS in the past to build application and it works great. Now I work with Architects that would love to use the Spec : SOAP over Java Message Service 1.0. This spec seams overly complicated. I do not see many implementation (Beside the vendors pushing for the spec). Does anyone here is using this specification in a

Generated equals in Webservice Stub

All the generated webservice-stubs from our backend have an equals-method similar to this one: Can someone please explain to me the purpoise of __equalsCalc? I just don’t get it. It is not used somewhere else in the class. The way I see it, it is not null exactly during the calculation of the “equality”. However the equals is declared synchronized.
