I’m using Apache CXF and Spring Boot to expose SOAP endpoints. Here’s the config: You can see that I expose one endpoint. It’s accessible at https://localhost:8081/daas/activate/activateGateway?wsdl: But this location=”https://localhost:8081/daas/activate/activateGateway is not valid because this service is behind api gateway. Is there a way to change the “base url”? For example to this https://localhost:8081/soap/daas/activate/activateGateway (notice the additional /soap prefix). These files
Tag: web-services
Common request/response objects between 2 SOAP webservices in Java
In my project we must call 2 contract first SOAP Web Services with identical Request/Response objects. As the web services were contract first, I created classes using CXF wsdl2java, now I have 2 set of identical classes in 2 packages. Is there a way I can refactor those classes into a set of classes. To describe more I have 2
Java Jersery: How to handle multiple Queries Parameters for a REST URL with UriInfo
I have implemented a rest Query as shown below: How do I handle when multiple parameters Here instead of two strings, I am getting it as one single string. How should I handle it, should I split the parameter String by comma (,).? When Currently it is able to handle these endpoints. The Rest URL’s are Answer If you want
ClassNotFoundException: com.sun.xml.internal.ws.spi.ProviderImpl
I have added all the relevant dependencies in build.gradle file. Still, geting below error when I try to run the Invoke SOAP service. Shared dependencies section and error details. Using Java 11. There are lot of answers already on internet, but none of it seems to be working. Any Help/Suggestion would be appreciable. Getting below error stacktrace Answer A2A: There
Correctly migrating from JDK-8 to JDK-11 for JAX-WS libraries
I am developing a couple of integrations (as Maven projects) between several defect management systems, one of which exposes services through WSDL, forcing me to consume them through WS. For the latter I succesfully developed the code for JDK-8 and everything works. I am now in the middle of JDK migration from 8 to 11 and need to update the
Servlet mapping not found error while deploying JAX RS application to web sphere 8.5
I am new to web services. have developed a simple rest web svc in java using Eclipse, Tomcat following this link. Application successfully runs on Tomcat but when i deploy it to IBM WebSphere 8.5.5. It deploys successfully but fails to start. I know its something with my Web.xml so i am adding it for rectification. Tried this but to
How to change namespace prefix in SOAP webservice request created with SOAPMessage?
When I create my SOAP request using the javax.xml.soap.SOAPMessage class, I get a namespace prefix in my XML like <SOAP-ENV:Envelope>. Is there a simple way to change the namespace prefix to <soapenv:Envelope>? Answer The XML namespace prefix should not matter as long as you are calling a well behaved web service. So SOAP-ENV:, soapenv:, or whatever: are basically the same
JBOSS EAP 6.4: Can not use the HTTPS schema in “soap:address” in generated WSDL
I have modified my standalone configuration to use HTTPS connector along with the HTTP connector: With this configuration, I am able to transfer the HTTP traffic to HTTPS URL. It works fine. I also have a webservice written in JAVA: Once application (service.ear) is deployed, I am able to see the wsdl at: But the WSDL service definition uses HTTP
How to run soap service in soapui(using wsdl) with password protection as like as in server?
Actually, we are sending a soap response to one of our clients, It was deployed in Cisco service which we need to log in manually to check the WSDL and services If we want to test the same in soap UI how to set up it with password? Answer First off, you need to find out which kind of authentication
Connecting to webservice results in com.sun.xml.internal.ws.client.ClientTransportException: The server sent HTTP status code 200: OK
I made a wsdl using sun-jaxws. I created a web service client in Netbeans, and successfully called the wsdl web service. Then I configured my nginx server to access the web service by https. When I call the service over https I get the following error: com.sun.xml.internal.ws.client.ClientTransportException: The server sent HTTP status code 200: OK My wsdl is available by