I am getting ready to take my Spring Certification v5.0 and there appears to be a question: Do you use Spring in a unit test? Link to Exam Guide questions. From Spring reference guide I know this: The POJOs that make up your application should be testable in JUnit or TestNG tests, with objects simply instantiated using the new operator,
Tag: unit-testing
Camel unit test with cameltestsupport, template is always null
I am doing a simple unit test with Camel. All I want to do is to read JSON content from a file (under resources), send it to a Java class for validation – this is the route that I am trying to test. Whatever I do, the template (which I use to sendBody(json) is always null. Here is my code:
Why component scanning does not work for Spring Boot unit tests?
The service class FooServiceImpl is annotated with @Service aka @Component which makes it eligible for autowiring. Why this class is not being picked up and autowired during unit tests? The test failed to load application context, Full stack trace If test class is annotated with @SpringBootTest then it creates whole application context including database connection and a lot of unrelated
Spring Test cannot get Spring Configuration Beans
I also tried putting EnvironmentServiceTestConfiguration as a non-inner non-static class, but didn’t help. Here is what I tried in a separate class: didn’t work either The test class is located in test/java/com.bhavya.test package. I am trying to run this particular test test1 This is my first test of such kind. I have never before used AnnotationConfigContextLoader.class, enlighten me. Stacktrace :
JUnitParams with Mockito
This could be a XY problem but I want to ask: I am using JUnitParams to be able to run my test method 10 times with different objects. The problem is that the injections don’t work (@Mock and @InjectMocks). I can use to mock the PersonService in the @Test method. But how do mock the “main” object that is annotated
Mockito anyListOf() List<List>
I’m using mockito-core:2.8.47 and Java 7 and want to use in a when and verify anyListOf or some other any method. My Problem is, if I just use anyList it says: The method name( int, List < List < String > >) in the type Y is not applicable for the arguments ( int, List < Object > ) How
URLUtil.isHttpsUrl() wrong return value in Simple Unittest? (returnDefaultValues=true)
Maybe this is the most ridiculous question ever, or I just can’t think straight anymore – but I have experienced a very strange behaviour when using the URLUtil.isHttpsUrl() from android.webkit. I was writing some Unittests for my project and detected that a method returned an unexpected value, because the URL was not considered valid. Trying to narrow things down, I
Writing unit test for @Nonnull annotated parameter
I have a method like this one: I would like to write a unit test to make sure foo() throws an NPE when value is null but I can’t since the compiler refuses to compile the unit test when static null pointer flow analysis is enabled in IDE. How do I make this test compile (in Eclipse with “Enable annotation-based
How to test array for equality with multiple input data
I have been searching on any documentation if this is possible with parameterized junit4 testing. Basically what I have is two classes, GameEntry and Scoreboard: I’ve read about parameterized testing where you return an array of different input data Passing arrays to Parameterized JUnit, but it is not quite what I would like to do. I’m interested in running 10
Testing method called with specific string
I am trying to find answer to my question but unable to find something working. I have a class which does this and my test is How would I test that calling llw.logInfo actually calls lambdaLogger.log with the appropriate string? Answer Invoke the logInfo() method on the instance under test : And use the Mockito#verify() method to assert that the