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Tag: sql

1:n disable constraints for the n-side?

The Problem I have a 1:n relation, but the n side shouldnt rely on constraints. So i actually wanna insert a EntityPojo via its future id, when its not saved yet ( Lets ignore that its a bad practice ). This looks kinda like this. Cascading is not possible here, i only have its future ID, not a reference to

jOOQ – DefaultRecordMapper – List

Can the DefaultRecordMapper handle lists? Model example (really getter/setter are used): I first tried it with a simple select: Also I have tried using the nested syntax but it didn’t work: The list never gets initialized. I am unsure if I could be doing something wrong. Is this possible with the DefaultRecordMapper? I am aware that jOOQ provides functionality like

Coalesce jsonArrayAgg to empty array in jOOQ

What is the equivalent for coalesce in the new jOOQ 3.14 SQL/JSON supporting version (in PostgreSQL)? The following unfortunately fails with the error “COALESCE types json and uuid[] cannot be matched”. Answer JSON.json() or JSONB.jsonb(), e.g.: But you can also use the jsonArray() or jsonbArray() constructors:

With MyBatis. How can I map two different records in one table, then construct a single query result when joining that table?

The definition of my query result entity has two fields, origin and destination, which are both Location type, and I’m trying to fetch the information in location table with JOINS.Here are the resultMap definition and SQL: SQL: It is supposed that the origin and destination are different records, however I found that origin and destination turned out to be same…
