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Tag: spring

Spring boot delete object from database based on a OneToOne relationship

i’ve got an “appointment” entity object(table) AND dates_doctor_available entity build like this AND now i wish from a controller to remove the Database entry based on the “date_time_available_fk” Using “Appointment” object. For example something like where inside service there is a data object access something like this(they are interfaces) where id is the date_time_available_fk number i want to pass(i already

Why spring validator is not working in this Api?

I have written a basic simple API of students data and added few validations using Hibernate validator but everytime its returning 0 errors. Here’s the code: pom.xml I am testing it using postman,My request body: In every request,even if name is empty Its returning 0 errors. Can someone help? Thanks in advance. Answer you need to add starter

Sending messages from Java to RabbitMQ using com.rabbitmq.http.client.Client

I’m trying to send messages from a Java service to RabbitMQ. I’m using some Java RabbitMQ client library and trying to run the following code: In the last line (Client objectinitialization), the following error is thrown: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/springframework/http/converter/json/Jackson2ObjectMapperBuilder I think I might be missing something in my pom.xml or maybe something with the version of Spring. However, I have not

Spring Batch avoid launch Reader and Writer before tasklet

I’m working with spring batch and have a job with two steps the first step (tasklet) validation the header CSV and the second step reads an CSV file and Write to another CSV file like this: I used a FlatFileItemReader (in ClassitemReader) and a FlatFileItemWriter (in ClassiItemWriter), before reading CSV. I checked if the header of CSV file is correct
