I have a Spring Boot application that connects to two separate databases. All works fine (I followed the steps in the docs and a tutorial), although in order to customize the Tomcat JDBC connection pool settings, I had to manually configure it (because by defining multiple data sources, the Boot auto-configuration is ignored, and Spring Boot does not read the
Tag: spring-boot
All Spring-Boot Application always show a popup login
I’m using Spring and Spring Boot framework with Spring Security for a simple login projects with simple UI. In all my projects, using STS, after starting my application and run the localhost address without errors, i receive a popup login window and not my html page. If i use user and default security password i always get a Whitelabel Error
Spring Boot Oauth2 Extending DefaultTokenServices
I have an OAuth2 implementation that is working fine for the grant type = password. Now I need to add a logic of restricting the same user/password combination to be allowed to login again if the user …
Inject html into thymeleaf template
I have thymeleaf templates lying in database, First I retrieve template and process it: So now processedTemplate contains html as a String. Then I retrieve another template and do basically the same, but I want also inject previous template into it, so the java code should look like: So what should I put into my mainTemplate to be able to
How to make Spring server to start even if database is down?
I’m using a Spring Boot(1.4.7) & MyBatis. I cannot start program with errors when database is disconnected on Eclipse or Linux server. (Database is not located on localhost.) When I try to start program with disconnected database, print this. Is there any way? Thanks Answer You can set: in your application.properties. According to the Spring Boot 2.5.5 user guide: By
SpringBoot 401 UnAuthorized even with out security
I did not use Spring Security but it is asking me to authenticate. Exception for URL(http://localhost:8080/SpringJob/ExecuteJob): application-dev.xml build.gradle snippet Controller Answer Try to add below lines in your application.properties file According to spring doc, use security.ignored= Comma-separated list of paths to exclude from the default secured paths
How to assign a value from application.properties to a static variable?
I am using Spring MVC. I have a UserService class annotated with @Service that has a lot of static variables. I would like to instantiate them with values from the application.properties file. For example in application.properties I have: SVN_URL = http://some.url/repositories Then in the class there is: @Value(“${SVN_URL}”) private static String SVN_URL I get the Instantiation of bean failed; nested
ClassNotFoundException oracle.i18n.util.LocaleMapper on tomcat TLD scanning. ojdbc7 maven dep (xmlparserv2- transitive) causes this error
I am receiving an error when running my spring-boot application with embedded-tomcat (haven’t tried with server tomcat yet). On further inspection, It appears as though the previous version of the orai18n.jar depended on by the ojdbc7 maven dep contained this class in vesion but the newer ( file does not contain it. Answer It’s a conflict with xmlparserv2. Try
Difference between spring-data-jpa and spring-boot-starter-data-jpa
This may not be the best question to ask, but I noticed there are 2 Spring JPA for Spring boot. How are they different? Currently, I am trying to set up a Spring Boot 1.5.3 project along with Hibernate. I remember I had set up Spring Boot with JPA earlier with spring-boot-starter-data-jpa. Most of the online examples I have seen
Send Email with Spring Boot
i have a Form with From/Tp Input field and TextArea as Box. I want to send Email using Spring Boot. How can i send Email Using Spring Boot? Thanks for Answers. Answer it works fine now That is my Controller That is my Service That is my property Files