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Tag: spring-boot

Inject html into thymeleaf template

I have thymeleaf templates lying in database, First I retrieve template and process it: So now processedTemplate contains html as a String. Then I retrieve another template and do basically the same, but I want also inject previous template into it, so the java code should look like: So what should I put into my mainTemplate to be able to

How to assign a value from to a static variable?

I am using Spring MVC. I have a UserService class annotated with @Service that has a lot of static variables. I would like to instantiate them with values from the file. For example in I have: SVN_URL = http://some.url/repositories Then in the class there is: @Value(“${SVN_URL}”) private static String SVN_URL I get the Instantiation of bean failed; nested

ClassNotFoundException oracle.i18n.util.LocaleMapper on tomcat TLD scanning. ojdbc7 maven dep (xmlparserv2- transitive) causes this error

I am receiving an error when running my spring-boot application with embedded-tomcat (haven’t tried with server tomcat yet). On further inspection, It appears as though the previous version of the orai18n.jar depended on by the ojdbc7 maven dep contained this class in vesion but the newer ( file does not contain it. Answer It’s a conflict with xmlparserv2. Try

Send Email with Spring Boot

i have a Form with From/Tp Input field and TextArea as Box. I want to send Email using Spring Boot. How can i send Email Using Spring Boot? Thanks for Answers. Answer it works fine now That is my Controller That is my Service That is my property Files
