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Tag: selenium

Unable to open UIAutomatorviewer on Mac High Sierra

We have brand new MacBooks with High Sierra (10.13.6). Other system info: Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment 18.9 (build 11.0.1+13-LTS) JAVA_HOME: /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk-11.0.1.jdk/Contents/Home When tried to open Android UIAutomatorViwer we’re getting following error: /Library/Android/sdk/tools/lib is not supported. Use -classpath instead. Error: Could not create the Java Virtual Machine. Error: A fatal exception has occurred. Program will exit. logout Saving session… …copying shared

Send text to div in Selenium + Java

I want to send a text to a div element in web.whatsapp. I tried several ways ie using XPath, cssSelector, class name etc. but none is working for me. This textbox comes when we attach an image in web.whatsapp. Answer Please step into the div and use the div with the class “selectable-text”. As this is a contenteditable div you

org.openqa.selenium.WebDriverException: Timed out waiting for driver server to start. Build info: version: ‘unknown’, revision: ‘unknown’

While everything works on my machine, when I bring the project in which I’m working on my server, Selenium and Chromedriver won’t boot, causing the following exception Everything works like this: the user, for launching the crawler, is supposed to click a button. Then, with JavaScript, I make an Ajax call to a specific method of a specific class that

Exception in thread “main” java.lang.NoSuchMethodError:;Ljava/lang/Object;)

I develop the selenium code that: I’m getting the error that is: I’m trying to solve this issue according to This Solution by upgrading guava-21.0. But I’m still getting this error. could anyone give a solution to solve it? Answer This error message… …implies that the JVM was unable to initiate/spawn your program. As @GhostCat pointed your main issue is

Create Post Api in Java for Test Rail

Im trying to create a java post request to create a test run on test rail, however it doesn’t seem to be working heres my code: The testrail documentation is here im looking for the add run Any help here how to make this actually work , is completing but nothing is happening. I’m a tester but struggling with

Selenium returning the hidden element as visible, clickable and enabled when element is hidden & not clickable

I want to open the filters only if they are not already open. For that, I’m checking if “Apply Filter” button is visible/clickable. To my surprise, I’m getting the element as visible/clickable even though it is not. Button code mentioned below, Method trying to check if element is clickable XPath of the button: xpath = “//button[@id=’filterButton’ and text()[contains(.,’Filter’)]] Answer Though

Incompatible library version selenium / guava

My app has a hard dependency on or superior But I am also using org.seleniumhq.selenium:selenium-java:3.0.1 which is incompatible with guava versions > 22.0 as discussed here: I am pretty new to Java, what is the best course of action here ? I have looked into class loaders but that looks like a pretty deep rabbit hole. Answer As

disable-infobars argument unable to hide the infobar with the message “Chrome is being controlled by automated test software” with ChromeDriver v2.36

I just updated ChromeDriver to newest version – 2.36. In previous versions I’ve set: and the “Chrome is being controlled by automated test software” warning bar wasn’t displayed. With the same option set, I’m keep seeing it. Do you know how to disable this from appearing in the newest ChromeDriver? Thanks in advance Answer New version of ChromeDriver has been
