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Tag: rest

auto changing data with Hibernate

I have problem with Hibernate. I have next method: This method should assign user on task and send message to kafka consumer with TaskBeforeUpdate and TaskAfterUpdate. But I have problem when I try to assign user, my BeforeUpdateTask change all his fields to TaskAfterUpdate. And this dont work, but i dont know why he is change all values. Answer The

Spring boot filter is ignored

I m trying to create a filter, but it is ignored Did I forget to do smth? Answer The problem was in the absent of pom dependency Instead the Filter was loaded from some java library and therefor compilation was successful (can be removed in module settings)

How to load json data in java?

I’m quite new to API testing, I am wondering how to best and simple load some body? I created simple pojo classes, but i am having problems with nested json. ex: Then, in classes I used: and then in test class I am trying to use it, but have no idea how. But I have no idea how to declare

Spring data rest resource inconsistently ‘discovered’ after restart

I’m using Spring Data Rest to expose rest endpoints which i can use in my user interface. However, during testing I noticed that when hitting the base rest url (http://localhost:8080/rest) , the endpoints are inconsistently exposed. I’m using the Annotation based RepositoryDetectionStrategies. I would appreciate some assistance in understanding and resolving the issue. Example: First boot: all endpoints are properly

spring boot REST POST method doesn’t work

I want to get the streamName parameter, which is generated when executing one method in the program where I made HTTPRequest and in response I want to get the generated hex string. I couldn’t find what is missing. This is my code in spring boot: PostResponse class: method on another program where i make a request: results in postman: enter

resteasy: @QueryParam to parse nested array structure

I’m using a javascript library called tabulator to display data inside tables on the client side. The Tabulator js library provides a feature to encode a representation of filters in the query parameters of an ajax request. For example, here’s what the query params look like: https://host/myEndpoint?size=10&page=1&filters%5B0%5D%5Bfield%5D=username&filters%5B0%5D%5Btype%5D=like&filters%5B0%5D%5Bvalue%5D=filteredBy Here’s the same url decoded: https://host/myEndpoint?size=10&page=1&filters[0][field]=username&filters[0][type]=like&filters[0][value]=filteredBy If possible, I’d like to have a
