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Tag: rest

Spring Rest Template always return 500

i use Rest Template to consume a rest web service, However i always get 500 although when I test with postman i get 200 Here is Rest template code : Postman response : RestTemplate Error : Answer Try passing the array in one parameter rsargs[] and not in two as you do.

Zipping CSV file using Java produces zip file with lesser bytes

I’ve a simple Java code which creates a ZIP file using one CSV file. The code is working fine and produces the zip file just right. But, the zip file size(bytes) are different that the one I create using Windows zipping tool or something like 7zip. I need to know if there is any Java library which can create zip

Jersey Client download ZIP file and unpack efficiently

So, I have a server application that returns ZIP files and I’m working with huge files (>=5GB). I am then using the jersey client to do a GET request from this application after which I want to basically extract the ZIP and save it as a folder. This is the client configuration: And here’s the code fetching the response from

Spring security application giving No AuthenticationProvider found for

I am new to spring boot. I am trying to implement a simple spring boot security with userdetailsservice in Spring Tool Suite(STS). Below is the controller I used: And the Web security configuration code: I gave all the required dependencies in pom.xml. So, I have added below line in application.propperties file, and now system is not generating security password. And

Can not insert null object on One to One relation Spring boot | nested exception is .PersistentObjectException: detached entity passed to persist

This is the relation And postman Object Data I can not insert null value .If I give the AllOrgMstOrganizationId then no problem.But when I give it Null Then Error::org.springframework.dao.InvalidDataAccessApiUsageException: detached entity passed to persist:; nested exception is org.hibernate.PersistentObjectException: detached entity passed to persist: Answer Simple Solutions

How to return a ManyToOne Bidirectional JPA Entity Object in response of a Spring RestController?

I have 2 entities User and Authority having bidirectional Many-To-One relationship b/w them. But when I send the User object as a response from the RestController, I get nested objects ie. User{Authority{User{Authority{User{Authority{..}}}}}} How can I achieve that the controller must return only? User{Authority{}} Below is my User entity class :- Below is the snippet from my browser: Answer in Authorities
