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Tag: rest

Pretty message on exceptions from REST app

I have a problem with my REST app. Here is the git link to ease your burden: Here is the raw code also: Classes posted in order: Employee Controller: Employee Service: Global Exception Handler: CNPNotFoundException class: ApiErrorModel class: I want to give some relevant informations to the user like in the second picture but in postman everything remains at

Why do I get 404 Not Found in Spring Boot

My Spring Boot application sends data through REST API. I connects to many Google Cloud components: google pubsub, mqtt server and google SQL. Since I implemented PUBSUB and MQTT, whenever I send a request from Postman I receive My pom.xml configuration looks like this I also found that request is being served by backend to the point of return, so

Bean that could not be found Spring Boot

I have a problem when trying to start my Spring Boot application with tokenization. This is my service class: This is my config class: And I get the following error when I try to run my Application: I dont understand why i get this error. Answer I solved it. The problem was that the package where the config lays was

Firebase email+password authentication in Java

I’m trying to use Firebase email and password authentication in Java using their REST API, as their Admin SDK doesn’t provide the needed methods to log in etc., only user management methods. With help from this answer, I’ve managed to put together the following code, which works for correct credentials but when trying to handle errors e.g. USER_NOT_FOUND or INVALID_PASSWORD,
