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Tag: integration

How to add Camel properties component to camel context?

I’m currently trying to add properties component with location set to my properties file to use properties placeholders in my project: But addComponent() function expects Component type argument, not PropertiesComponent even though PropertiesComponent extends the DefaultComponent class. I’ve added this dependency to pom.xml to use it: and also added the resources tag: The error I get looks like this: java:

Spring 5.x and CDI 2.x Integration Options

Considering Spring’s 5.x baseline and CDI’s baseline 2.x, what more viable options should I consider to integrate them into a project with JSF 2.3, since JSF 2.3 is coupled with the CDI? Bridges? Custom Bean Factories? Others? Answer We use bean producers to access Spring objects in CDI. As in the architecture we used there is an interface layer between
