I am facing the OAuth issue, details are below: I am having two microservices: registration-service(https://github.com/choudharylakshyaveer/registration-service) student-service(https://github.com/choudharylakshyaveer/student-service) For these two I have added : cloud-config-server(https://github.com/choudharylakshyaveer/cloud-config-server) naminig-server(https://github.com/choudharylakshyaveer/naming-server) gateway(https://github.com/choudharylakshyaveer/api-gateway) FrontEnd: is at react js: https://github.com/choudharylakshyaveer/chargie For first time use, a new user need to be register that can be done from curl: To login using the above registered user, below can be run
Tag: reactjs
AXIOS POST Response Fetch
I have a React ui which is supposed to communicate with the backend and fetch data. Backend works well and here is its response to my request: while I receive this error in my React for the same request. The url is the same, the parameters are in place but still there is an error and I am not able
CORS errors using Spring Boot, Spring Security and React
Good morning. I have been fighting with this issue for the past two days so I decided to post a question about it. Basically I have a Spring Boot project which executes basic CRUD operations through a React JS front-end. Everything seemed to work fine until I added Spring Security to the project. Since then whenever I make a request
Spring Controller GET/POST/PUT to another interface
I am using React as frontend and Java Spring Boot as backend. React sends JSON form data as GET/PUT/POST requests to my backend url (http://localhost:8080/test). Now, I wan’t to send this JSON forward to another interfaces GET endpoint (https://another/interface/add?id={id}). This interface then queries database based on the id and answers 200 OK message with a JSON reply which I need
How to send an array as JSON from java servlet to react frontend using fetch()?
I’ve been working on a react app. In this app, I will be sending the input from the user to the Java servlet on the tomcat server to sort it. After sorting, I’m trying to display it on a label in my react app. I’ve successfully sent it to the java servlet using fetch method() and sorted it. This is
Storing multiple fields of address in entity class
I need to store multiple addresses, like address1 , address2 and zipcode etc. Should I declare all the fields individually? for instance: or is there any better way to declare them in entity class? I have been told creating entity classes is the best practice. Answer If only the addresses are multiple, it seems you have this situation:
Change the background color based on what the fixed div is currently over
I have a NavBar with fixed position and there will be divs with different background color. when scrolling i want my nav to have the same color of the div that’s it is over. my goal for this is when scrolling the content of the other div does not overlap with the navbar content like this Answer You can change
react-native run-android does not work :/
Running react-native run-android in windows but get this error: I have installed android studio and created a project and I also run the emulator and i did Answer You could try this one react native environment setup from react native official documentation or this react native environment setup from tutorialspoint one
Why Cookies are not set in the browser but works in Postman?
Backend is Spring boots. I setup cookie there and it is working fine with postman. Front End is ReactJS, I’ve used a POST method using Axios to get Login information. I am getting response, but cookies are not set. Tried many things. No Luck Answer Got a fix finally. WithCredentials should be passed like this from front-end. in Backend code,
Issues with CORS preflight Spring/React, reading from authorized/admin endpoint
Im new to both Java (spring) and React and the most issues I seem to get is by the annoying CORS. I did have same CORS issues before and by looking online I found serveral solutions, but mainly the answers were directing to the back-end, that’s where you need to allow certain domains. So I added first @CrossOrigin (I know