I have the following (postgress) SQL Query: And what it does is it creates a series of 6 hours per day and takes averages from it. A result may look like this: variable_id date_time sample_count sample_period_ms min_value max_value value 15 2021-06-06 06:00:00 120 59577 -1.4960686 1.1995025 0.30439844254136744 15 2021-06-06 12:00:00 120 59577 -1.4887594 1.1997863 0.30570657099738263 15 2021-06-06 18:00:00 120 59577
Tag: postgresql
Error parsing SQL Mapper Configuration in mybatis
I am using mybatis framework in a servlet and the mybatis-config.xml file is unable to find the Student_mapper class.I applied all the paths including the package name and excluding it and also used the element in my mybatis-config.xml but it doesn’t work.I am still getting the same error. Here’s my mybatis-config.xml file Here’s my Student_mapper interface Answer The mapper class
org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: relation “users” does not exist – SpringBoot, Hibernate, Postgresql
I am using Spring Boot with Hibernate, JPA and Postgresql database. I am trying to create new user and save it. I have the following code: UserEntity.java UserController.java UserServiceImpl.java UserRepository.java Application.yaml My error in Intelij looks like this: I am testing it with Postman and sending JSON in body like this: But in Postman I am receiving 500 Internal Error.
What is the jdbctemplate dynamic query parameters limit?
I am trying to perform a read operation on my PostgreSQL database. I am using SpringTemplate and I am passing dynamic parameters to it. “SELECT id, name FROM Student WHERE id IN :id” Here, id=(1,2,3,4,5…) What is the maximum number of elements I can pass in ID without breaking my JDBC connection and for the operation to work smoothly? Answer
Why am I getting SQL State: 28000 FATAL: Ident authentication failed for user error message when running a simple Java program?
I have a Postgres 11 database installed on a VirtualBox virtual machine running Centos7 (guest machine), and my host machine is a Mac OS Catalina. Both the guest (Centos) and host (Catalina) have JDK 8 installed. I have the following simple Java code that uses a single dependency postgresql-42.2.5: I compile and run this on my host (Catalina) : and
JPA query to filter before, after and between optional start and end dates
I’d like to write a JPA Repository query that can findBy with two optional query parameters, startDate and endDate: startDate endDate Return null null All null endDate Before End startDate null After Start startDate endDate Between Start and End How can this be implemented concisely? For example, using a single JPA @Query method with a SQL statement that can handle
Mapstruct: Returning null when trying to map a field inside an embedded object
We were given an assignment to recreate a simple version of the Twitter API in Spring using Mapstruct. We are returning a List<UserDto> that should return the field username from the embedded object Credentials. We mapped this as follows: Our UserDto is specified like this: Our User entity has an embedded object named credentials, where the username and password of
How to retrieve the rows between two dates in PostgreSQL?
How to retrieve the row between two dates in PostgreSQL? In the above example, end_date column is NULLABLE. I want to retrieve the row using the date which falls in-between START_DATE & END_DATE. Endate NULL is considered it as infinite. I am clueless on how to pass single date input to two columns and handle NULL Answer If you are
how to resolve error executing ddl commands in spring boot
Hi I am new to spring Boot and i created new project(Demo) using spring initilizr Project structure is Project : Maven Project Language : Java Spring Boot : 2.4.2 application.propertites file is like I have Created some classes and controllers : Entity Repository : Service : Controller : But when i run the program i got error related to DB
How to map column with type BIT(24) in PostgreSQL with Hibernate
I have a table with a column which type is a bit (24). I tried to use String and when I try to get this object it maps well, but when I try to save it, Hibernate throws Exception: org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: column is of type bit but expression is of type character varying I know that if it’s a bit(1)