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Tag: postgresql

Criteria API how to write = ANY(?1) expression?

I have a query that I want to translate to Criteria API. A query After java processes it (native sql query) the final query looks like this My Question is how to translate = ANY(?1) part to Criteria API? I see that any() definition is How to put array of values to it? I’m using PostgreSQL Answer You will need

Jooq forced type not being applied to column

I’m trying to use jOOQ with a postgres db featuring tsvectors. I added this to my configuration file : I’m trying to apply it to the ts_message_text column : But I get : Answer There should be an additional log message further up: It seems this message isn’t getting printed in jOOQ 3.15.3 in your particular case, though… Seems to

org.springframework.dao.DataIntegrityViolationException While running Junit testcase in sprintboot

Have developed a springboot project and Using H2 database in writing testcases, if we run individual controllerTest class , All testcases are passing. but we run all the test classes together few test classes are failing with below error: Using following annotations for each controllertest class: H2 database configs used in file are: Answer The problem seems to be

Connecting Spring boot application with postgresql problem with properties

I wanted to connect my application from spring boot with postgresql running in docker I am doing everything according to this tutorial – , but I keep getting the same error: Error starting ApplicationContext. To display the conditions report re-run your application with ‘debug’ enabled. 2021-08-02 16:18:56.400 ERROR 4169 — [ main] o.s.b.d.LoggingFailureAnalysisReporter : APPLICATION FAILED TO START Description:

Validating credentials using JDBC against PostgreSQL

So I’ve been trying to get my credentials to be validated when I log in to my server. This is the simple set of data I am trying to validate. (456789, ‘Dave123’, ‘password’, ‘Dave’, ‘Davidson’, ‘dave@dadavid’, 2), (123456, ‘John456’, ‘123456’, ‘John’, ‘Johnson’, ‘john@jojohn’, 1), (456878, ‘Kate789’, ‘abcdef’, ‘Kate’, ‘Kateson’, ‘kate@kitkat’, 1) So when it finishes validating, if the username and
