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Tag: postgresql

Is it possible to map jooq Record from string

I have a case where I need to map jooq Record from json to class instance. We have used our own mapper for this in the past, but underlying table had only basic types so it was working fine. Now we have a need to map Postgres interval type to jooq YearToSecond and it is not working anymore. I was

Failed to get driver instance for jdbcUrl=jdbc:postgresql:/// error for CloudSQL

I am trying to connect to my GCP projects PostgreSQL CloudSQL instance from my local machine. The PostgreSQL doesn’t have a public IP, only private. I get the below error Failed to get driver instance for jdbcUrl=jdbc:postgresql:///mdm java.sql.SQLException: No suitable driver I have verified that my username, instancename, IAM connectivity is all working fine. The IAM service account I am

PSQLException: ERROR: syntax error at or near “.”

I’m using Java 8, Spring Boot, and PostgreSQL. I have the following query and it is giving me an error PSQLException: ERROR: syntax error at or near “.” I can’t seem to figure out what is causing this. It does not appear to be any reserved words. Edit So I turned on debug logs and got this executed SQL. It

Callable Statement – PostgreSQL – Multiple Out Parameters

We have a stored procedure in a PostgreSQL DB that takes multiple input and multiple out parameters. The procedure call from the PG Admin client works fine when we do the following, call proc1(input1, input2, output1, output2) However, if we try to make this call through a JDBC CallableStatement, we get the below error, The PostgreSQL driver is “org.postgresql.Driver” The

PostgreSql unable to resolve table user

My problem is that intellij raise an error that unable to resolve table user. Table is created in database it can be seen in database in Intellij but it looks like compiler doesn’t have an access to it. Did someone have similiar problem? enter image description here Answer If you can confirm that the table exists and you connect to

Compability JDBC driver versions and PostgreSQL versions

Can anyone point me on where to find an exact documenation which postgreSQL database version requires which JDBC driver version? In the case at hand I want to know: What is the minimum required JDBC version in a Java server application connecting to a database of version PostgreSQL 11.13? Unfortunately the PostgreSQL JDBC Driver website is not really precise on
