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Tag: mockito

Mockito doThrow() method makes my test fail with the given exception

I’m testing the error case for when my injected StatefulBeanToCsv dependency throws an exception. However, Mockito’s doThrow() method is just making my test fail, rather than allowing that exception to be verified using assertThrows(). I’m injecting my StatefulBeanToCsv dependency through a BeanFactory rather than constructor/setter injection, because I need to pass it a Writer as an argument. The test is

Null pointer exception when using Mockito to mock interface

I’m using Mockito to test the following method: Here is my test: But I keep getting NullPointerExeption for this line: ValueProducerFactory is an Interface and the createValueProducer method signature is as follows: I have a class named CachingValueProducerFactory that implements the interface It seems like using Collections.emptyList() in the test is the problem, but I don’t see any other solution

MockitoException when trying to mock java.lang.System

I have a test case that mock a static method of java.lang.System class: But when I run the test, I got this error: org.mockito.exceptions.base.MockitoException: It is not possible to mock static methods of java.lang.System to avoid interfering with class loading what leads to infinite loops Why does this happen? How can I mock methods of java.lang.System class? Answer While Mockito

No mapping for request with mockmvc

Currently struggling with problem when I get ‘mapping error for request’ with following controller/test configuration. Controller: Test: Configuration: After test execution I get No mapping for POST /subscriber/session The reason for the struggle is that my code from other modules with the same configuration works fine. Can somebody point out what am I missing ? Thanks in advance! Answer Apparently

Write unit test for jdbcTemplate.batchUpdate() method

I have jdbcTemplate code, on which I am trying to write a unit test case. But the problem is I am unable to cover the full code. I am able to cover till: try{jdbcTemplate.batchUpdate(“update query”, new BatchPreparedStatementSetter(){ Test code snippet Please help. Answer Here the difficulty is that the new BatchPreparedStatementSetter(){ …} instance that contains the main logic that you

Trying to mock IntConsumer with Mockito fails

I’m trying to mock IntConsumer: and it fails on the ‘verify’ with below error code: Method threw ‘org.mockito.exceptions.base.MockitoException’ exception. Cannot evaluate $java.util.function.IntConsumer$$EnhancerByMockitoWithCGLIB$$3ee084c4.toString() Answer You need to tell Mockito what method it is supposed to verify on the IntConsumer mock. Your verification code should look something like: See for example the tutorial at Baeldung.
