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Tag: maven

How to download SNAPSHOT version from maven SNAPSHOT repository?

So I have a project and I do regular releases to maven without a problem. I now want to make available a SNAPSHOT version of this project. So I do ‘mvn clean deploy’. Everything works as you can see below: [INFO] Retrieving previous build number from sonatype-nexus-snapshots Uploading: 5K uploaded (menta-regex-0.9.6-20111010.153035-2.jar) I go to my sonatype manager and I

How does Archiva compare to Nexus?

There are a few similar questions already, but most are either focused on Nexus vs. Artifactory, or are a few years old. I wanted to get a sense of where the two project stand these days. My impression is that Nexus is the best regarded repository manager, but I do tend to (slightly) prefer purely Free projects (hey, a little

How can I scan a maven repository?

I’m developing a code-sharing plugin for eclipse (for a bachelor thesis project). Currently I’m trying to scan a maven repository and generate a package list. I can download and parse a pom.xml using the maven.model classes, but I can’t figure out which maven classes are responsible for parsing of archetype-catalog.xml Is there a non maven parser? Can I just scan
