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Tag: maven

Maven build fails ONLY when run with jenkins

I have a Java project that is committed to GitHub. The project consists of 3 modules. I have configured the Jenkins Workflow Multibranch Pipeline plugin to build the 3 modules. Maven builds the first 2 modules with no problem. But on the third module I get the following error: I have red that there may be a problem with the

Maven Command Line Args in the settings.xml

Good afternoon, I’m trying to find out whether there is a possibility to outsource Command Line Args in the Settings.xml. I can’t use the MAVEN_OPTS Env-Var and the .mavenrc file, but i need the Settings in every project. It is important that no plugins are used which are not included after the installation (the settings are needed for a connection

Maven spring boot run debug with arguments

Usually I’m running my Spring Boot application with command: I want to set custom port to debug, so I can connect from eclipse. When I add arguments from example it works but other arguments like server.port or are no longer recognized and I get exception like: Question: How I can run with all arguments? Answer The behavior and

Lombok not compiling in maven

I am trying to compile my project that uses lombok through maven and i am getting the following issue: Where the first error type is for the fields in this class: and the second error is when a class tries to access getters from lombok classes My maven pom.xml has the following in it: Answer I don’t know why but

Does Spring Boot support multimodule maven projects?

I’m just curious about the level of support Spring Boot has for multimodule maven projects. There’s so much work that has to be done when creating a good layered set of projects (especially getting the various JPA/JDO enhancers set up). All of the samples I’ve seen put everything into one project, which is fine for simple demos. Can Spring Boot

junit test for stateless ejb + jpa

I would like to write a junit test for my stateless ejb + jpa demo code. I think it is actually not a junit test, it is an integration test. I have a stateless ejb with an injected EntityManager and PostgreSQL database server is used. I use CDI (Spring is not used in my project) and EclipseLink with a persistent.xml

SonarQube with Radar-Netbeans Plugin Exception

I am trying to analyze my code with radar-netbeans 2.4 plug-in on my 8.0.2 NetBeans IDE, at first my sonar-runner wasn’t even executing, but after I read this post: “Netbeans Radar Plugin Configuration”, I was able to get my sonar-runner to execute until I got this exception: Is there something I can do to fix this exception? Keepin mind that
