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Tag: maven

Adding aspectJ language to define joinpoints

I’d like to define aspectj joinpoints not using annotations and string constants like this: but using aspecj language, like in this example: or Is there any good examples of how to add aspectj to the project to make maven compile this language properly and how to re-write @Before, @Around etc. annotations in aspecj language? Answer Here are some resources: the

Can’t import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext?

I just started learning Spring and I have problem importing Classes from Spring, please help! I tried almost everything what I found as a solutions, but it was a failure… Error: The import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext cannot be resolved. Here’s my code or this is my pom.xml Answer ApplicationContext resides in that package. In your IDE if you control click on the

Cannot import org.h2.server.web.WebServlet

I am trying to configure my spring boot application to use h2 console. I found some articles and all of them use webServlet. But I can not import the class although I have h2 dependency added in my pom.xml. I get this error message can not resolve the symbol WebServlet. My import line Below is my pom.xml and my

Build docker image with jetty – when should I build?

I’m working on ‘dockerizing’ a java web application ( which I want to run using jetty. Here the Dockerfile: The current docker image works perfectly, but it requires the application to be built before (it cannot be built from the fresh git clone). For example I could not run a build with the docker HUB build system. What would be

Rest Controller not recognizing GET request in Spring Boot App

I am trying to implement simple demo MVC app with Spring Boot but I get 404 error while executing the application. The uri is `http://localhost:8080/’ which is to display all the rows in a table called circle. Spring Boot : 1.3.3.RELEASE Java Version : 1.8.0_65 Database : Apache Derby Maven Java Project: pom.xml
